CfP: Former des archivistes en France aujourd’hui


Journée d’études organisée à l’occasion du 10e anniversaire du master Archives de l’université Paris 8, par le département d’histoire de l’université Paris 8 (Saint-Denis), les Archives nationales et l’association Archiv-8.

Date : mardi 27 juin 2023

Lieu : AN, Auditorium, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine

Comité d’organisation

Marie-Cécile Bouju (Paris 8, IDHE.S.) et Catherine Saliou (Paris 8, ArScAn)

Comité scientifique

CfP: Work and Wellbeing in History

8–9 June 2023

Oslo Metropolitan University



Work is central to human wellbeing, but job quality has received comparatively little attention in economic history and historical wellbeing studies. The inclusion of ‘decent work’ in the Sustainable Development Goals and the recent profusion of present-day job quality metrics provide an opportunity for historical social science to contribute to discussions about the development of job-related wellbeing and the determinants of good work.


Newsletter UIA´s World of Associations

The Union of International Associations invites you to sign up for its newsletter: UIA´s World of Associations.

We are relaunching the newsletter and the first edition will be sent on 7 February 2023.

Six additional issues will follow: April, June, September, October, November and December.

The newsletter will focus on our publications, services and activities supporting associations, as well as articles from specialists in areas critical to association life.


YMHC Issue 9: Education and household decision‑making in Spanish mining communities, 1877–1924 – by A. M. Palacios

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated

to early career researchers in mining history broadly construed.
The Issue 9 has been just published:
 Education and household decision‑making in Spanish mining communities, 1877–1924 – by A. M. Palacios