CfP: Edited Volume: “Gender, body, and colonialism from a global perspective: ruptures and continuities in a long duration”

This collection of essays takes a global approach to exploring the complexities of the body, gender, and work through the lens of colonialism. By using colonialism as a lens, scholars are able to demonstrate that the experiences of women at work in relation to their bodies forsakes temporality.

CfP: Between Economy and Morality – The Anti-Slavery Movements as a Transnational Network in the “Long 19th Century”

Starting in the United Kingdom, the abolition of slavery quickly became one of the most pressing social issues of the 19th century. Contrary to the commonly held perception that the anti-slavery movements were a teleological success story, slavery underwent a number of phases of abolition and reintroduction, while the informal exploitative structures of ‘slavery’ never completely disappeared. This was exacerbated by the fact that the various systems of slavery spanned several eras, continents, and ideological histories.

Un fonds d’archives inédit pour écrire l’histoire des débuts du Parti socialiste

En 2022, la Fondation Jean-Jaurès a mis au jour un bel ensemble de documents d’archives inédits de Jules Guesde, fondateur avec Jean Jaurès du Parti socialiste en France. Jean-Numa Ducange, spécialiste de l’histoire du socialisme et des gauches européennes, les a parcourus en avant-première et en analyse l’intérêt qu’ils représentent pour la recherche.


CfP: Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz im 20. Jahrhundert Neue Perspektiven auf die Gewerkschaftsgeschichte

Ort: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn
Datum: 23./24. November 2023

Deadline für die Einreichung der Abstracts: 10. Februar 2023

Veranstaltet von: Arbeitskreis Gewerkschaftsgeschichte im Kooperationsprojekt „Jüngere und jüngste Gewerkschaftsgeschichte“ der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung und der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Organisationsteam: Mareen Heying (Düsseldorf), Nina Kleinöder (Bamberg), Sebastian Knoll-Jung (Neustadt/Weinstr.), Sebastian Voigt (München)

CfA: Heinz Heinen Kolleg: Fellowships on “Gender and Intersectionality”

For the academic year of 2023/2024 the Cluster will put a thematic emphasis on Research Area E “Gender and Intersectionality”. Research Area E investigates dependencies associated with gender, sexuality, status, class, ethnicity, religion, age and other historical, anthropological, and representational aspects relevant to explaining differences among persons and human groups, both in past and present societies.

CfP: Mobile Actors in Global History

The third Annual Pierre du Bois Doctoral Workshop, organized by the Graduate Institute in partnership with the Pierre du Bois Foundation will take place at Maison de la Paix on 3-4 April 2023. The workshop’s title is “Mobile Actors in Global History” and is organized by Anna Diem and Burak Sayim, from the International History and Politics Department.

More info here: