Anarchist Studies Network conference: registration now open

Registration for "Making Connections", the Anarchist Studies Network conference to be held in Loughborough on 3-5 September, is now open!

Please log onto… to register.

The deadline for registration is 30 June. After that, on-campus accommodation (cheapest) will not be available anymore. Late registration will also be more expensive.

ámbitos nr. 66 - Fundacion Largo Caballero

Cursos y Seminarios

Cursos "Ayer y hoy del movimiento obrero"

El pasado día 2 de marzo dieron comienzo las jornadas “Ayer y hoy del movimiento obrero”, que se han desarrollado entre los meses de marzo y mayo de 2012 en la Universidad Carlos III, en el marco de los Cursos de Humanidades que esa universidad y la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero organizan anualmente.


I dilemmi della democrazia - Rousseau tra Tocqueville e Marx

I dilemmi della democrazia - Rousseau tra Tocqueville e Marx
Giornata di studi nel 300° anniversario della nascita di Jean-Jacques Rousseau
e nel 250° della pubblicazione del Contratto sociale

Con il Patrocinio della Presidenza del Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte
In memoria di Mirella Larizza Lolli

Mercoledì 30 maggio 2012


Domela Nieuwenhuis, romantic revolutionary

Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919), Nederlands beroemdste socialist, anarchist, 'us ferlosser'voor de Friezen, heeft behalve een museum en een standbeeld nu ook een monumentale biografie.

Jan Willem Stutje is de auteur van Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, een romantische revolutionair, Atlas/Contact geeft het boek uit en op 30 mei, 17.00u is de feestelijke presentatie in Spui 25 Amsterdam.

Stutje ploegde op het IISG het Domela Nieuwenhuis-archief en gerelateerde collecties door. Daaruit kwam veel nieuws naar voren.

Labor and Working-Class History Association National Conference, 2013

Save the date: June 6-8, 2013 in New York City, for the national conference of the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA.) A call for proposals will be circulated in the near future--we welcome proposals for panels, plenary sessions, workshops, and roundtables that reflect the breadth and range of current work in labor history. Presentations on current issues facing workers and the labor movement, as well as transnational and comparative perspectives are welcome.

The Bakunin Library

Call for Translators and Readers

As I announced a month or so back, PM Press has decided to move ahead with the oft-mentioned Collected Works of Bakunin project, and I've been asked to coordinate and edit the thing. The prospect is equally exciting and daunting.

Schweizer Kaufleute und die koloniale Baumwollökonomie: Die Handelsfirma Gebrüder Volkart in Indien

30. Mai 2012, 18 Uhr: Vortrag von Christof Dejung

Schweizer Kaufleute und die koloniale Baumwollökonomie:
Die Handelsfirma Gebrüder Volkart in Indien

Referat im Anschluss an die Jahresversammlung des Schweizerischen Sozialarchivs

Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012, 18:00 Uhr
Theater Stadelhofen, Stadelhoferstrasse 12, 8001 Zürich

Sadek Hadjerès, un itinéraire militant dans le mouvement d'indépendance algérienne, 1939-1963

Sadek Hadjerès, un itinéraire militant
dans le mouvement d’indépendance algérienne,

Journée d’étude organisée par la BDIC dans le cadre de ses programmes de collecte
d’archives orales et présentée par les auteurs de l’entretien : Ali GUENOUN et Gilles

Projection des extraits du témoignage

Commentaires et débat avec les historiens

The Making of the English Working Class; Fifty Years On

History Workshop Online is collecting memories and thoughts in the lead-up
to the 50th anniversary of the publication of E. P. Thompson's The Making
of the English Working Class. If you'd like to contribute a few lines
about your experience of reading or teaching The Making, please follow this
link to the blog entry:

Best wishes

Diana Paton