History Month, Netherlands, 2012: The Poor and the Rich

The theme of Dutch History Month, October 2012, is The Poor and the Rich. As a matter of course, the IISH joins in the various cultural events and presents (in Dutch):

a selection of collections and research activities at the IISH on the theme The Poor and the Rich:

a debate on 26 October: 'Why is Africa poorer than the rest of the world?' Debaters: Peter Geschiere, Mirjam de Bruijn, Ewout Frankema. Location; Spui 25, Amsterdam. Information follows.

Arm in Zeeburgerdorp - (Poor in Zeeburgerdorp): a housing project for the poor in the Zeeburg district (in Dutch)

19. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Historische Demographie des DGD: Vom Pöbel zum Proletariat?

Conf. Ann: 19. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Historische Demographie des DGD: Vom Pöbel zum Proletariat?


AKHD In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Historischen Seminar der Leibniz Universität Hannover 26.10.2012-27.10.2012, Hannover, Historisches Seminar, Im Moore 21, 30167 Hannover, Raum B

19. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Historische Demographie des DGD: Vom Pöbel zum Proletariat? Demographie der Unterschichten und soziale Mobilität

CeDInCI Argentina - Boletín Electrónico

Boletín Electrónico nº 18 – Septiembre de 2012


El CeDInCI en La Habana, Cuba.
Nuevos Seminarios del Programa de posgrado en Historia Política y Cultural de las izquierdas y los Movimientos Político-Culturales del Siglo XX
Novedades del Área de Hemeroteca y Biblioteca

Actividades académicas
Primer Coloquio Argentino de Estudios sobre el Libro y la Edición

Donaciones, canjes y adquisiciones

Muestra Gráfica: José Ingenieros y sus mundos

Annual meeting and autumn conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History

Annual meeting and autumn conference of the Society for the Study of Labour History

Saturday 17th November 2012

Working Class Movement Library, 51 The Crescent, Salford.


10.30-10.45am Introduction

10.45-11.45am Professor John Walton, 'The northern rambler: walking and the popular politics
of industrial England, from Peterloo to the 1930s

11.45am Break

12.00-1.00pm Professor Dave Russell, "The working man's nightclub": popular affluence and
modernity in the 1960s English cabaret club