European Social Science History Conference 2012

Paper and session proposals for the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2012, 11-14 April, Glasgow.

Deadline is May 1, 2011!

The ESSHC aims at bringing together scholars interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences. The conference is characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The conference is organized in a large number of networks which cover a variety of topics. It welcomes papers and sessions on any topic and any historical period.

Perseu: História, Memória e Política

Call for articles - Perseu: historia, memoria e politica Number 7, 2011

Centro Sergio Buarque de Holanda (CSBH) was established by Fundação Perseu Abramo as a centre for Brazilian Worker's Party history and memory. It produces Perseu: História, Memória e Política a history peer-reviewed journal that diffuses researches and reflexions about the left political wing in Brazil and abroad.

Arbeit im Lebenslauf. Normalität in historischer Perspektive

Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien; Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst; Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde; Institut Français de Vienne 12.05.2011-14.05.2011, Wien, Institut Français de Vienne, Währinger Strasse 30, 1090 Wien / Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde, Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

Konzept und Organisation: Therese Garstenauer, Thomas Hübel, Klara Löffler

News from Amsab-ISG

Opleiding spoorzoekers in Amsab-ISG
De Stedelijke Integratiedienst Gent startte vorig jaar het project Vertellend Erfgoed. In het kader daarvan kregen 45 'spoorzoekers' een opleiding mondelinge geschiedenis.

'De Grondleggers'
Op 30 april 2011 presenteert vzw New Focus de documentaire en het gelijknamige fotoboek De Grondleggers. Vertellend erfgoed over 50 jaar Turkse migratie in de Centrale in Gent.

Virtual Filmstrip Museum

Not all of us may know that filmstrips are not necessarily just stories for children. Educational filmstrips were first made in the early 20th century, and after World War II in Hungary they became part of the political propaganda arsenal – and for us explicit documents of our recent past.

Convegno "Primo maggio"

Convegno "Primo maggio"
19 aprile 2011
ore 09.30 – 12.30 16.00 - 19.00

Apertura lavori C. Fabio Canapa, Presidente Istituto di Studi Sindacali.
Saluti di Francesco Antonelli, Presidente delle Biblioteche di Roma,
e Luigi Scardaone, Segretario generale UIL Roma e Lazio

Lord Asa Briggs: A Celebration

Lord Asa Briggs: A Celebration
Thursday 19 May 2011, London

Institute of Historical Research

Lord Asa Briggs, one of the country’s most distinguished living historians, turns ninety this year, and he and his remarkable contribution to academic history to the development of Victorian studies, the history of communication and his role in the growth of modern universities are considered and assessed in this one-day colloquium co-hosted with the British Association for Victorian Studies.

Confirmed participants: