New Ways in Strike Research

Report of the workshop New ways in strike research

International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam 18-19 September 2008.

For more information visit [url][/url]

Present: Edward Fokuoh Ampratwum, Leonid Borodkin, Stefan Dormans, Paul Jonker, Dave Lyddon, Carlindo Rodrigues de Oliveira, Irina Shilnikova, and Sjaak van der Velden

Absent with notification: Julia Casutt-Schneeberger and Oscar Edoror Ubhenin

Edward Carpenter

Sheila Rowbotham, Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love
Published 13th October, 2008
548 pages
Cloth ISBN-13: 978 1 84467 295 0
US$40 / £25 / CAN$44


Widerstand im Alltag

Workshop in Berlin, 5 November

Die Bundesbeauftragte für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR, Abteilung Bildung und Forschung (BF 1.1), Berlin 05.11.2008-05.11.2008, Landesvertretung Thüringens beim Bund

Passages utopistes

La Société P.-J. Proudhon tiendra son Colloque international annuel à Paris le 6 décembre 2008.
Thème: Passages utopistes, traces et pratiques.



9h30 Olivier CHAIBI, Jules Lechevalier et les essais de réalisation de l¹utopie

10h00 Pascal KAEGI, Les utopies coloniales des saint-simoniens.

10h30 - 10h 45 Débat

10h45 - 11 h 00 Pause

Cars for Comrades

Siegelbaum, Lewis H.: Cars for Comrades. The Life of the Soviet Automobile. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 2008. ISBN 978-0-8014-4638-2; geb.; IXX, 309 S.; EUR 33,99.

Rezensiert für von:
Luminita Gatejel, Berliner Kolleg für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas
E-Mail: [mailto][/mailto]

News from the Turati

Fondazione di studi storici "Filippo Turati"
Novità Editoriali - Editore Piero Lacaita - (giugno-luglio 2008)

Collana Società e cultura

- Dino Mengozzi
Garibaldi taumaturgo. Reliquie laiche e politica nell'Ottocento
pp. 251 Euro 18,00

- Andrea Ragusa
Profilo di storia della comunicazione politica in Italia
pp. 251 Euro 18,00

- Gianluca Scroccu
La Passione di un socialista Sandro Pertini e il Psi dalla Liberazione agli anni del centro-sinistra
pp. 251 Euro 20,00

Signs of Change

Signs of Change: Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now: an exhibition in Exit Art Cultural Center, New York (20 September - 22 November 2008) presents the creative outpourings of social movements, such as those for Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States; democracy in China; anti-apartheid in Africa; squatting in Europe; environmental activism and women's rights internationally; and the global AIDS crisis, as well as uprisings and protests, such as those for indigenous control of lands; against airport construction in Japan; and student and worker revolution in France.