Socialist dissidents in the Soviet Union


Gab es eine Alternative? Das ideelle Erbe der sozialistischen Dissidenten in der UdSSR. Forschungs- und Interpretationsprobleme

Veranstalter: Institut für Globalisierung und Soziale Bewegungen; Zentrum für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung; Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Datum, Ort: 13.12.2008-14.12.2008, Moskau

Bericht von:
Gleb J. Albert, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, Universität Mannheim
E-Mail: [mailto][/mailto]

A Year in Labor Heritage - When Workers Rise

Pacific Northwest Labor History Association 27920 68th Ave E o Graham, WA 98338, USA [mailto][/mailto] [url][/url]

Call for Papers, Workshops and Presentations

A Year in Labor Heritage - When Workers Rise

The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association's 41st annual conference, presented in collaboration with the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, University of Washington

Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 First Avenue, Seattle June 12-13, 2009

Wouter Steenhaut wins Cultural Heritage Prize

Amsab Newsletter 2009:1
Klik hier om de nieuwsbrief direct in uw browser te bekijken

Wouter Steenhaut wint prijs 'Cultureel Erfgoed 2008'

Nieuwe publicaties van Amsab-ISG: 'Wij zijn de AC' en 'Samen aan tafel'

Amsab-ISG digitaliseert (deel 2)

Stafkaart van het migrantenmiddenveld en zijn erfgoed in Vlaanderen, 1830-1990

Vrijwaring van het audiovisueel erfgoed van Amsab-ISG

Foto's van de Socialistische Vrouwengroep J. De Graeve

Nourritures anarchistes

Viennent de paraître:

- Schérer, René, Nourritures anarchistes. L'anarchisme explosé. Hermann (Philosophie), 2008. 202 p. ISBN 978-2-7056-6796-2.
Cet ouvrage est, pour ainsi dire, le compagnon de Pour un nouvel anarchisme. Editions Cartouche, 2008, dont un compte-rendu est paru dans Réfractions No.21 (octobre 2008). Vous pourrez en trouver un compte-rendu dans le site 'Recherche sur l'anarchisme' [url][/url].

Labor History Dissertation Prize

To encourage the study of labor, Labor History is pleased to announce an annual Dissertation Prize for labor studies, broadly defined. In keeping with the journal's dedication to a multi-disciplined approach to the field, and its commitment to chronological and geographical breadth, the prize will be awarded to the best Ph.D. dissertation on a labor topic, historical or contemporary, in the US or worldwide, regardless of discipline.

Winners will receive an award of £750, and publicity in both the journal and the Labor History website.

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Newsletter n. 3 - 16 gennaio 2009
Le novità della Fondazione e del sito

Leo Valiani, tra politica e storia. Scritti di storia delle idee (1939-1956)
a cura di David Bidussa
Presentazione di Giovanni De Luna
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore

La discussione sulla storia politica e sociale italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento negli studi di un protagonista del secondo dopoguerra, nel centenario della nascita e nel decennale della morte.