Intermediaries in labour relations

Intermediaries in labour relations from pre-industrial societies to the XXth century - Brussels 12/08

The FWO Research Network "Labour 1500-2000"; The National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS); The ULB Business History Group; The ULB Institute for the Study of Europe, Brussels 05.12.2008, ULB Institute for the Study of Europe / Institut d'etudes europeennes - 39-41, av. Roosevelt

Demanding the Impossible

Declared "Indispensable" by the Guardian, Peter Marshall's massive anthology - 818 pages! - is now reedited by Harper Perennial.

Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism, 2008. 818 p. Index. Cov. ill. ISBN 978-0-00-686245-1.

The author has added a 40 pages epilogue which presents some of the more recent trends, particularly in the U.S.A.

Race, Labor, and the City

Conference Call

Race, Labor, and the City: Crises Old and New Thursday, May 28 - Saturday, May 31, 2009 Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago

Sponsored by the Labor and Working-Class History Association And the Fund for Labor Culture and History (Laborlore Conversations VI)

Walter Benjamin

CFP: Gemeinsame Tagung der International Walter Benjamin Association und der Internationalen Walter Benjamin Gesellschaft - Antwerpen 12/08

International Walter Benjamin Association und Internationale Walter Benjamin Gesellschaft 31.12.2008-31.12.2008, Antwerpen
Deadline: 31.12.2008

Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Bochum

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to inform you that Mr. Heinz Albrecht has left the Institut für soziale Bewegungen in Bochum, Germany. As his successor in office I would like to ask you to replace his mailaddress by mine, which is:[mailto][/mailto]
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Thank you very much in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Klara Prinz