The Federación Anarquista Uruguaya

The FAU (Federación Anarquista Uruguaya), founded in 1956, was one on the strongest anarchist movements in Latin America. In the 1960s, it faced a rising tide of repression which would culminate in the military dictatorship of 1973-85. As legal avenues of struggle were closed down, through the Worker-Student Resistance (ROE) and OPR-33 (People's Revolutionary Organisation) it expanded its tactics to include armed struggle in defence of the workers movement. Banks were raided for funds, and factory bosses were kidnapped in support of workers' demands.

Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools

The Business and Labour History Group, with the support of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Sydney, is launching a new organisation called the Academic Association of Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools (AAHANZBS). It aims to bring business historians, labour historians, economic historians, accounting historians, mining historians, transport historians and other historians in business and management schools in Australia and New Zealand together in one umbrella organisation to promote historical research and teaching.

Labor History Graduate Scholarship Prize

2009 sees the 50th volume of Labor History and to celebrate this milestone Routledge is pleased to offer a special US$5,000 Graduate Scholarship Prize. The deadline for scholarship applications, which will be assessed by the journal editors, is Friday 15th May. Visit the Labor History website ([url][/url]) and follow the 'news & offers link' for an application form and details of the terms and conditions.


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir freuen uns, Sie auf die neue Ausgabe des Archiv für Sozialgeschichte hinweisen zu können. Das vorliegende Jahrbuch ist dem Rahmenthema "Dekolonisation: Prozesse und Verflechtungen 1945-1990" gewidmet.

Archiv für Sozialgeschichte

Neue Rezensionen im Archiv für Sozialgeschichte - Stand Januar 2009

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir freuen uns, Ihnen heute wieder Buchbesprechungen zur Sozial- und Zeitgeschichte präsentieren zu können.

Die Rezensionen verstehen sich als Teil des Rezensions-Apparats von Band 49 (2009) des Archiv für Sozialgeschichte und sind im Internet als Volltexte zugänglich:

Abetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek

Click here for the ARAB newsletter nr 1, 2009. It contains information (in Swedish) about seminars, conferences, opening hours and more.


Bifogar nyhetsbrevet ARAB informerar nr. 1, 2009 med information om seminarier, konferenser och öppettider bl.a.

Vänliga hälsningar,

Lars Ilshammar


Abetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek

Lars Ilshammar * Institutionschef * Box 1124 * 111 81 STOCKHOLM