Anarchism, Labour and Syndicalism

Please circulate (Dave Berry [mailto][/mailto])
Call for papers for a panel on anarchism, labour and syndicalism
With a view to the forthcoming 1st Anarchist Studies Network Conference (Loughborough University, Sept. 2008), we would like to organise a workshop on syndicalism or more generally on issues related to anarchism and the labour movement. The theme will be understood in its broadest sense, with no specific geographical or period restriction. Possible topics (by no means exclusive) could include:

Rethinking Labour: Labour, Affect and Material Culture

Rethinking Labour: Labour, Affect and Material Culture
April 18th 19th and 20th 2008
Clinton Institute of American Studies, University College Dublin

Plenary speakers:
Andrew Ross, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis and Program in American Studies, New York University

Sherry Linkon and John Russo, Co-Directors, Center for Labor and Working-Class Studies, Youngstown State University

Tim Strangleman, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent

Trabajadores en la Extremadura

"Trabajadores y movimiento obrero en la Extremadura contemporánea"
(III Encuentro historiográfico del GEHCEx)

Centro de profesores y recursos de Cáceres(c/ Gómez Becerra, 6.)Cáceres, sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2007.

Grupo de estudios sobre la historia contemporánea de Extremadura (GEHCEx).
Centro de profesores y recursos de Cáceres


9´30-10´00 h:
Recepción de los asistentes y entrega de documentación.

Amsab Newsletter

Nieuws van Amsab - ISG

  • Eindejaarsactie! Twee boekenpakketten aan halve prijs
  • Amnesty International Vlaanderen sluit samenwerkingsakkoord met Amsab-ISG
  • Recent verwerkt archief in Amsab-ISG: Marianne Dedecker, Paul Libois, Budgethoudersvereniging Onafhankelijk Leven (BOL) vzw
  • Opmerkelijk schilderij
  • Boekvoorstelling 'Mijn Waarheid' van Denise De Weerdt, een sfeerbeeld...
  • Heengegaan: Suzan Daniel, Marc Bourguet


Socialist Forum

Torsdagen den 22 november kl. 12-13, lunchseminarium
Karriär i männens värld. Nationalekonomen och feministen Karin Kockmed Kirsti Niskanen, Stockholms universitet. Lokal: Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, Upplandsgatan 4.

Lördag-söndag den 24-25 november

Antonio Gramsci Today

The Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam and the IIRE are organising a Conference for the 70th anniversary of Gramsci's death. The Conference will be held on Saturday, 8th of December and will start at 2.30. It will be followed by the projection of Baratta's movie on Gramsci and by a "Sardinian dinner". Registration is required. For more info: see [url][/url] and [url][/url]