Friendly and Fraternal in London

Friendly and Fraternal in London
Archives for London Annual Conference

Saturday 3rd November 2007
Library and Museum of Freemasonry, Great Queen Street, Covent Garden

Our second annual conference includes an exciting programme of speakers examining over 200 years of records of London's friendly and fraternal societies and their research possibilities.

Papers include:

Upholders, Patten-Makers and World Traders: the Livery Companies of the City of London as Fraternal Organisations
Dr Andrew Prescott, University of Wales, Lampeter

Transnational Networks

Transnational networks. Contributions to the history of 'Globalisation'

International scientific conference in Vienna, November 16-18, 2007
Venue: Renner Institute, Europasaal (Gartenhotel Altmannsdorf, A-1120 Vienna, Austria)

Organized by:
International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH),
Institute for Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna,
Society for Social History,
in co-operation with Renner Insitute

Proudhon: une philosophie du travail?

La Société Pierre-Joseph Proudhon organise son colloque annuel international le samedi 19 janvier 2008 à Paris


9 h 15. Olivier Chaïbi, La question du travail en 1848
9 h 45. Michel Herland, Proudhon, une morale du travail

          10 h 15 - 10 h 30. Pause

10 h 30. Thierry Menuelle, Valeur-travail et droits du travailleur
11 h 00. Nathalie Brémand, Proudhon et le travail des enfants
11 h 30. Edward Castleton, Le travail et ses antinomies sous le Second Empire
12 h - 12 h 30. Débat