Transnational Networks

International Conference of Labour and Social History - ITH 15.05.2007, WienDeadline: 15.05.2007

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Die ITH/International Conference of Labour and Social History ist eine internationale Vereinigung von Forschungsinstitutionen und Historiker/inne/n, die sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Geschichte der Arbeit und sozialer Bewegungen befassen. Sie veranstaltet seit den 1960er Jahren wissenschaftliche Konferenzen.

Ernest Mandel biography

The Belgian economist Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) was an undogmatic Marxist thinker and radical politician, who had an important influence on the "68 generation". Mandel enjoyed widespread international recognition as author and theoretician, and has been officially barred from several countries in both the West and the East. His writings have been translated into more than 40 languages. Jan Willem Stutje has been the first person to access Mandel’s archives and had talked to numerous people who interacted with Mandel.

Idea of the Revolution and Experience of History

Praxis Research and Educational Center
School for Labor Democracy

International conference

1917-2007: Idea of the revolution and experience of history

Moscow 9-10 July 2007

The aim of the conference, on the 90th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917 in Russia, is to discuss historical and theoretical problems of revolutionary tradition in social thought and political practice, its nature, fate, contemporary expressions and possible prospects.

Papers are invited on the following basic themes:

Labour History in Extremadura

Trabajadores y movimiento obrero en la Extremadura contemporáneaIII encuentro historiográfico del GEHCEx

El Grupo de Estudios sobre la Historia Contemporánea de Extremadura (GEHCEx) ha considerado organizar unas jornadas monográficas sobre la historia del movimiento obrero en Extremadura. Un iniciativa que persigue, al menos, dos objetivos: hacer un balance de los realizado hasta el momento y, sobre todo, impulsar las investigaciones de historia obrera en Extremadura.

Cáceres, ExtremaduraFecha: 15/12/2007

CIRA Anarchist Library

Soutien au CIRA - Support the CIRA!

Chers amis, Chers collègues,

Le Centre international de recherches sur l'anarchisme (CIRA) fêtera ses 50 ans d'existence cette année. Le CIRA est une bliothèque et un centre d'archives anarchiste fondé à Genève et actuellement installé à Lausanne. Il est l'une des quatre institutions suisses membres de l'IALHI.

Labour and Gender History

24 April, Willem van Schendel: Stretching Labour Historiography. Ideas from South Asia

29 May, Subir Sinha: Social Movements in South Asia

19 June, Karin Willemse: Gender en Globalisering

25 September, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk: De draad in eigen handen. Vrouwen en loonarbeid in de Nederlandse textielnijverheid, 1581-1810

30 October, Farhad Nomani: Labour and Class in Contemporary Iran

27 November, Elke Weesjes: De Engelse en Nederlandse Communistische beweging vergeleken

All lectures are held from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Londoners Co-operate!

Celebrating the London Co-operative Society collection at Bishopsgate Institute and International Co-operator's Day.

This unique one-day event provides a fascinating insight to the history of co-operation in London. Discover more about the changing nature of this important movement from its origins to the present day and how the 'co-op' became part of the fabric of everyday life for Londoners.

Saturday 7th July 2007, 10.00am-5.30pm

· Dame Pauline Green (Chief Executive and General Secretary, Co-operatives-UK)
