The Black Jacobins

Conference to be held at the Institute of Historical Research, London, Saturday 2 February 2008.

Throughout many of the events organised in Britain to commemorate the bicentenary of the British abolition of the slave trade, one voice has been missing: that of the rebellious slaves themselves, in particular those of St. Domingue/Haiti, the authors of the only successful slave revolt in history, and the people who did more than Wilberforce or anyone else to bring the slave system to an end.

Spanish Civil War at Tamiment Library

The Continuing History of the Spanish Civil War
A Tamiment Library Symposium and Exhibition Opening "Art and Politics: Posters From the Spanish Civil War"

April 27, 2007
4 PM - 8 PM


John Brademas (NYU) "Communists and Anarchists during the Spanish Civil War."

Peter Carroll (Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives) "Toward a New Paradigm of Spanish Civil War History."

Gabriel Jackson (University of California, San Diego, emeritus "The Problem of Historical Memory and the Spanish Civil War."

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