Spanish Civil War in Salford

The Working Class Movement Library is mounting a small exhibition of material from the Spanish Civil War to mark the 70th anniversary of the conflict 1936-1939. Thousands of volunteers from Britain and many other countries went to Spain to defend the Republic against Franco and his allies Hitler and Mussolini.

The library can be contacted on 0161-736-3601, email: [mailto][/mailto]. Website: [url][/url]

Class Matters

Class Matters: Working-Class Culture and Counter-Culture
CFP: Annual Conference of the Working-Class Studies Association
June 14-17, 2007

Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota
Dormitory housing available

Anarchist Studies Network

From: Alex Prichard [mailto][/mailto]

Report from the Anarchist Studies Network (formerly Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism SGSA)

The UK Political Studies Association (PSA) Specialist Group for the study of anarchism (SGSA) has recently been renamed the Anarchist Studies Network (ASN). We thought we would take this opportunity to inform the broader anarchist academic community of our activities, the nature of the group and plans for the future.

Anarchist Voices

AK Press, [url][/url], which is probably now the leading publisher of scholarly books on anarchism has added to its collections the remarkable works of Paul Avrich, the leading scholar on American anarchism. I will mention:

* Anarchist Voices: An Oral History Of Anarchism In America (Unabridged), 2005. Pb. ISBN: 1904859275.

ITH Goes Global

The ITH, the Austrian organization which since 1965 organizes annual labour-history conferences in the city of Linz, will change its course quite fundamentally. Originally founded as a neutral meeting place for labour historians from East and West during the Cold War, the collapse of East-European state socialism plunged [?] the ITH into a severe identity crisis. After years of debates and experiments the General Assembly now unanimously decided to implement a new approach. The essence of the organization's new profile was summarized in the following points:

Sephis E-Magazine

Sephis (South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development) posted the latest issue of their e-magazine at [url][/url]

Since 1994 Sephis activities have facilitated exchanges through conferences, fellowships and lecture tours. We have now embarked on a new initiative, which offers an opportunity for regular dialogue and wider participation. At present there appears to be no magazine dedicated to south-south exchange either in hardcopy or on the www.