Sugar, Slavery, and Society

Bernard Moitt, ed. Sugar, Slavery, and Society: Perspectives on the Caribbean, India, the Mascarenes, and the United States. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004. x + 203 pp. Notes, tables, index. $65.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8130-2779-9.

Reviewed by: Christopher Ebert, Department of History, Brooklyn College.
Published by: H-LatAm (May, 2006)

The Cold War Sixty Years On

The Cold War, which began sixty years ago next year with the announcement of the Truman Doctrine and the creation of the Cominform, shaped the world in the second half of the twentieth century. Its most intense phase came to an end in the early sixties, but, with the accompanying threat of nuclear barbarism, it continued to exercise a major influence until the "collapse of Communism" in 1989.

The Banality of Craziness

Lynn Viola, Sergei Vladimirovich Zhuravlev, Tracy MacDonald, Andrei Nikolaevich Mel'nik, eds. Riazanskaia derevnia v 1929-1930 gg Khronika golovokruzheniia: Dokumenty i materialy. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1998. xliv + 703 pp. Maps, notes. No price listed (cloth), ISBN 5-86004-175-6.

Reviewed by: Mark B. Tauger, Department of History, West Virginia University.
Published by: H-Russia (April, 2002)

Communist Studies Online

The European Workshop of Communist Studies
New Issues - Call for Contributions:

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online
No 18 (2005) and No 19 (2006) (ISSN 1862-698X)

Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung Online
La newsletter internationale des recherches sur le communisme online

'Mary Barton'

The Working Class Movement Library has supplied historical material for displays in Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre to accompany the current production of 'Mary Barton'. Set in Manchester the 1840s the play is based on the novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell, one of Manchester's famous writers, which drew on her own experiences in the city as the wife of a Unitarian minister. The play tells the dramatic story of Mary and her father John and is set against the backdrop of poverty, strikes and the radical political agitation of the Chartists.

London Socialist Historians Group

The Autumn 2006 issue of the London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter has been published and can be downloaded from the LSHG web site.

It contains an article by Neil Faulkner about his project with Pete Glatter to construct a grand narrative of the global crisis of 1914-21, a review by Tobias Abse of William Fishman's East End Jewish Radicals and Rudolf Rocker's The London Years, and a review by Geoff Brown of Dave Renton's When We Touched the Sky.

Tamiment Library

The Tamiment Library at New York University is pleased to announce that it has acquired the library of the Reference Center for Marxist Studies and the Archives of the Communist Party, USA. The library includes extensive monograph and serials holdings, as well as the Communist Party's pamphlet files (1920-date). The bulk dates for the archival collection is from 1950 to the present.