Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

A new issue of Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, edited by theBDIC, has just been published (in French). It is dedicated to the subject of internationalism - both historical and contemporary aspects. Please find below a table of contents and abstracts of the articles. Orders and inquiries:
Matériaux, c/o BDIC, 6 Allée de l'Université, 92001 Nanterre Cedex
Tel : +33. (0)

Arbeitsmigranten in Bremerhaven

Burkhard Hergesell, "Eine Hand voll Zukunft ...". Arbeitsmigrantinnen und Arbeitsmigranten in Bremerhaven 1955-2005. Bremen: Hauschild Verlag 2005. ISBN 3-89757-302-4; 152 S., 88 s/w Abb.; EUR 24,50.

Rezensiert für den Rezensionsdienst "Europäische Ethnologie / Kulturanthropologie / Volkskunde" bei H-Soz-u-Kult von: Annemarie Gronover, Institut für Ethnologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Barbara Wertheimer Prize

Each year the New York Labor History Association awards the Barbara Wertheimer Prize for the best research paper in labor history written by an undergraduate during the previous academic year. The winners of the 2006 prize are: Kevin C. Brown, "Defining 'Amicable Relations:' Class Formation, Conflict, and Political Economy in 1870s Pittsburgh," and Michael Murphy, "Anthrax Strike: The 1976 Outbreak of Labor Militancy in the Panama Canal Zone." Kevin's essay was his honors thesis at Bucknell University written under the direction of Professor John Enyeart.

Goodbye Mr. Socialism

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation - Newsletter 8 November 2006

Visit our website for news on the Foundation

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation

Thursday, 16 November at 5:30 p.m. in Via Romagnosi, 3 - 20121 Milano

Join us for the presentation of Antonio Negri's new book, Goodbye Mr. Socialism, just published by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore.

Christian Marazzi and Raf Valvola Scelsi will discuss the book along with its author.