CfP: Nazis and Nazi Sympathisers in South America after 1945. Careers and Networks in their Destination Countries

Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie, and Erich Priebke: These names are exemplary of the Nazi criminals who found refuge in South America after 1945. There, they either remained untroubled or were only made accountable for their crimes many years later.

CfP: Transnational Perspectives on Music, Sound and (War) Propaganda (1914–1945)

Humboldt University (Berlin) and University of Zurich

International Conference
Transnational Perspectives on Music, Sound and (War) Propaganda (1914–1945)

21–23 October 2021 (Virtual conference)

Convened by Diego Alonso (Humboldt University, Berlin), Christian Koller (Swiss Social Archives and University of Zurich) and Steffen Just (University of Potsdam)

Keynote speakers:
Anne C. Shreffler (Harvard University)
Jens Gerrit Papenburg (University of Bonn)

CfP: The Temporalities of Capitalism. Time, Timing and the Formation of the World Economy

The history of capitalism has attracted ever growing interest among scholars in the last decade. Several studies aimed for exploring the role of violence and imperialism for the implementation of capitalist economies across the world and studied the relation between state policy and economic actors. Others have expounded on the role of consumption for the establishment of industrial production, the increased commodification of everyday life, or the social embeddedness of economic interaction.