Democratic Utopia. A sensory journey into the places of democracy

From 3 May 2021, the Basso Foundation opens its doors to visitors with a new multimedia project with the evocative title “Democratic Utopia”.

The tour begins outside the Foundation in Via della Dogana Vecchia, just behind Palazzo Madama, the Senate building, where you are attracted by an interactive digital showcase. Passers-by will be able, with a simple movement of the hand, to “leaf through” the documents and see the images of the long journey that peoples from all over the world had to undertake to affirm ideas, rights, justice and democracy.

The Social and Economic Development of Russia’s Regions, 1800-2000 Data-hub

Russian history has so far played a rather modest role in the dynamically expanding field of knowledge known as global history. This was due in the very first place to the absence of good and readily accessible data in the data-hubs and large data-sets that have been instrumental in the rise of the discipline. This in spite of the fact that the scope and quality of Russian statistics of the past few centuries are of exceptionally high standards compared to many other countries.

CfP: Colonial Baggage: Global Tourism in the Age of Empires, 1840s–1970s

Online workshop, Munich Centre for Global History, 18–19 November 2021

The workshop explores the dynamics of tourist travel in colonial and imperial contexts. We welcome case studies from all geographical areas, dating roughly from the onset of the age of steam until the era of decolonization. Three hitherto neglected aspects inform our agenda: the connection between tourism and imperial (infra)structures; the trans-colonial and intra-regional dimension of tourism; as well as the workers of imperial tourism.


CfP: Militant cinema in the Arab world (from the 1960s to the present day)


The Arab region has been, since the end of World War II, the theater of constant conflicts that fueled and reflected the tensions between World’s major nations during and after the Cold War. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the first to generate and concentrate the political, ideological, and social tensions linked to the region turmoil, where the camera explores the reality beyond the anesthetic representation of society in Arab mainstream movies.

Où va la social-démocratie ? Regards croisés sur les social-démocraties germanophones (XIXème – XXème siècles)

Organisateurs : Société française d’histoire politique en partenariat avec UMR SIRICE (Sorbonne Université), UMR SAGE (Université de Strasbourg), GRHIS (Université de Rouen),  Institut Universitaire de France.
Lieu : Maison de la recherche, Sorbonne Université, 28 Rue Serpente, 75006, Paris (D323, sous réserve des conditions sanitaires).
Date : 25 juin 2021, 9 h 30 – 18 h.
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