CfP: Socialism in the English-speaking Caribbean

Organised workers’ movements first appeared as a significant social force in the British Caribbean Region Colonies before the Second World War. Anticolonial movements began to gather momentum in the region around the same time. Socialists and socialist ideas played a significant part in both sets of movements, particularly as they developed and began to see political success in the post-war era.

CfP: Violence against Women: Historical and Comparative Perspectives

A Joint Workshop of the Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Award and the German Historical Institute London

Convenors: Christina von Hodenberg and Jane Freeland (German Historical Institute London), Sylvia Walby (Violence & Society Centre, City University of London), Karen Shire (Essen College for Gender Research, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)

German Historical Institute London, 14-16 July 2022

CfP: NS-Bibliothekspolitik und -praxis in Europa

Zu den Aufgaben der Luxemburger Nationalbibliothek gehört u.a. die Erforschung der Luxemburger Bibliothekslandschaft vom Echternacher Skriptorium bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Die Tagung NS-Bibliothekspolitik und -praxis in Europa schreibt sich in diesen Forschungsschwerpunkt ein. Ziel ist es, die Bibliothekslandschaft in den angeschlossenen und besetzten Gebieten im europäischen Vergleich zu beschreiben.

CfP: Reimagining Citizenship in Postwar Europe

Although fighting in the European theatre of World War II officially ended in May 1945, for millions of displaced and homeless individuals the struggle had only begun. Large groups of ethnic minorities were subjected to resettlement policies that uprooted them from their former homes. Others, mainly from Eastern Europe, fought against repatriation to their countries of origin. At the same time, Allied occupiers and new governments across the continent began to rethink what sovereignty might look like after the war.

CfP: Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe

The research group “The Ottoman Europe: Methods and Perspectives of Early Modern Studies on Southeast Europe” ( is a Germany-based, open circle of scholars from different fields of historical research as East- and Southeast European history, Ottoman studies and philology of all relevant languages. Our common interest lies in multidisciplinary Early-Modern studies on Southeast Europe, roughly the zone of Ottoman dominance or influence.

CfP: Knowledge on the Move: Information Networks During and After the Holocaust

International Workshop at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles (APR 04, 2022 - APR 05, 2022)

Conveners: Robin M Buller (GHI / PRO, UC Berkeley), Wolf Gruner (USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research), Anne-Christin Klotz (GHI / PRO, UC Berkeley) / Co-organized by the Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington (GHI / PRO) and the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research

CfP: 15° Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo Lxs trabajadorxs, la producción y la reproducción de la vida social en crisis. Cambios y persistencias en un contexto de pandemia

[See PDF attached]


La Asociación Argentina de Especialistas en Estudios del Trabajo (ASET) tiene el agrado de anunciar que durante 2021 tendrá lugar el 15º Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo. El mismo se desarrollará del 1 al 3 de diciembre en modalidad semi-presencial.

Información general En se encuentra disponible toda la información sobre el 15º Congreso y los congresos anteriores.