Entries are invited for the Labour History Review postgraduate essay prize for 2025. The deadline for entries is 31 March 2025, and details are set out below.
The editors of Labour History Review established this essay prize with the purpose of encouraging a high standard of scholarship amongst postgraduate research students in the United Kingdom and abroad.
The winner’s prize will consist of:
- Publication of the winning essay in Labour History Review
- A cash prize of £700
- One year’s free membership of the Society for the Study of Labour History, which includes subscription to Labour History Review
Other entries of sufficient quality may be invited to publish their submissions in the journal. If so, then they will be given one year’s free subscription to Labour History Review.
Brief editorial statement
Labour History Review welcomes contributions in any area of labour history across different countries and periods. The journal has long-standing expertise in economic and social histories of labour as well as in party, trade union and popular politics. The editors are further interested in articles which engage with issues of gender and ethnicity or race, as well as class, and which attempt to broaden the traditional subject matter of labour history.
Entry requirements and rules
The entry requirements and rules for the Labour History Review Essay Prize are as follows:
- The Essay Prize is open to anyone currently registered for a higher research degree, in Britain or abroad, or to anyone who completed such a degree no earlier than February 2020.
- Essays are to be no longer than 10,000 words.
- The essay should be sent as a Word document by email attachment to one of the editors of the journal, either Professor Peter Gurney, Department of History, University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ (pjgurney@essex.ac.uk), or Professor Paul Corthorn, School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN (p.corthorn@qub.ac.uk).
Alternatively, it may be submitted via the LHR’s online submission system. Securing permission for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material is the responsibility of the author. Submissions should conform to the guidelines for authors.
- All entries must be accompanied by an official Labour History Review Essay Prize entry form, downloaded from the SSLH website.
- The closing date for entries will be 31 March 2025.
- Essays can be on any topic of labour history broadly defined, provided that they fulfil the requirements of the editorial statement/aims and scope of Labour History Review, as reproduced above.
- Essays should conform to LHR style guidelines, copies of which can be found on the websites of the SSLH (Guidelines for authors.) and Liverpool University Press.
- Entries submitted must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The decision of the judges will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into by the Editors.
- If, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize will be awarded.
- All entries will be subject to the normal LHR standards of refereeing and editorial review.
- There will be a single prize-winner but authors other than the winner may be invited to publish their work in LHR, if the judges of the Essay Prize consider such work to be of sufficient quality.