Social and Labour History News

Ann: FES exhibition catalogue
Newsletter 2008, nrs 1 and 2
Ann: a conference in Reims, 25-26 Jan
A conference in Antwerp, 31 Jan-1 Feb
CFP: 8th Plekhanov conference, May-June 2008
CFP: symposium and CM&C special issue
Three book reviews (in German)
New items on the IISH website in December 2007
TOC: issue 2007:9 (Dutch text)
Feltrinelli Newsletter nr 26
Ann: a conference in Coventry, May 2008
Two book reviews (in English and German)
Two book reviews (in German and English)
Three book reviews (in German)
TOC: African Studies 66 (2007) 2-3
CFP: International Review of Social History