New members, 2006

In 2006 IALHI welcomed eight new members:

Association La Fraternelle (Saint-Claude, France)
Society for the preservation of the old co-operative's archives
E-mail: [mailto]lafraternelle3@wanadoo.fr[/mailto]

Fondation Jean Jaurès (Paris, France)
French Socialist Party archives

Génériques (Paris, France)
Association for the preservation of migrants' archives

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon (UMS - CNRS 2739)
Research centre on social history

Fondazione Pellegrini-Canevascini
Archival centre for the history of the labour movement in Ticino

Bishopsgate Library
Collections on London, labour, freethought and co-operation

Centro de Documentacion e Investigacion de la cultura de izquierdas en la Argentina (CeDInCI)Archival centre for the history of labour and the left in Argentina.

Memorial - International Society
"Its main task was the awakening and preservation of the societal memory of the severe political persecution in the recent past of the Soviet Union"

For more information on these and other IALHI-members please go to the IALHI members directory at [url]http://www.ialhi.org/imembers.php[/url]