IISH News Service April 2008

New items on the IISH website in March 2008

New items on the IISH website in March 2008:

On 28 March 2008, the anti-apartheid collections of the Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa were handed over to the IISH.

The inventory of the papers of the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist Ramón Álvarez Palomo is available online.

Article on the pamphlet 'Pantagruel Zieltogende' [Pantagruel dying] from 1690. (Dutch text)

Photos of various protest demonstrations in South East Asia in the years 2004-2007, with the megaphone as a leading note.

Exhibition in the Press Museum of the best Dutch political cartoons of 2007. (in Dutch)

New collections: the papers of the Dutch journalist Paul F. Sanders, the French Esperantist André C.J. Gaillard, and more material on the Madres de Plaza de Mayo from Marguerite Guzmán Bouvard.

The inventory of the archive of Milieukontakt Oost-Europa is available online.

New issue of 'Global South', the Sephis e-Magazine, a platform for scholars and students based in in countries of the "south" about development and history.

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Until 20 April 2008
Exhibition: "Politiek in Prent 2007" [Dutch political cartoons]
In: Persmuseum - in Dutch

11 April 2008
Life Courses in the 19th and 20th Century Concluding congress of the NW0-Groot program 'Life courses in context'

29 April 2008
Lecture: 'The Turkish Labouring Class in the 20th Century' by Görkem Agköz

8 May 2008
200 year Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) - in Dutch

27 May 2008
Lecture: 'Boeren, landarbeiders en hun organisaties op de Zeeuwse eilanden en het Gelderse rivierengebied' [Farmers and their organizations in Zeeland and Gelderland] by Piet van Cruyningen and Jan Zwemer

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