RG5-001. Office of the General Counsel. Lawyers Coordinating Committee Oral History Project: consists of oral history transcripts (3 at present)conducted by the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee as part of an ongoing project to capture the insights, experiences and stories of lawyers who have played seminal roles in the life of the labor and civil rights movements around the country over the past several decades.
RG21-002. Legislation Department. Testimony, 1953-1994 (16 cubic feet): consists of testimony and statements made primarily by officers and employees of the AFL and AFL-CIO to Senate and House committees on a variety of economic, social, and political issues. Also included is some correspondence in lieu of testimony or statements and correspondence accompanying testimony or statements; there are also a few speeches and addresses to non-governmental organizations and fact sheets. Testimony from 1995 onward is available online at the AFL-CIO’s Web site.
Lynda DeLoach
Email: [mailto]ldeloach@nlc.edu[/mailto]Visit the website at [url]http://www.nlc.edu/archives/home.html[/url]