1968 in Europe

Ann: a book and a website

1968 in Europe - A History of Protest and Activism, 1956-77
Edited by Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth; With an Afterword by Tom Hayden (view full text online)

Palgrave Macmillan: New York/London, 2008 (Palgrave Series in Transnational History) $28.95 / £16.99 Paperback (0-230-60620-2) $74.95 / £42.50 Hardcover (0-230-60619-9)


1968 saw protest movements in Prague, Paris, Berlin, Rome and many other places across Europe, and today stands as the defining year in a tumultuous period for the continent. This groundbreaking book serves as a concise reference on the intellectual avant-gardes, counter-cultures and protest movements of the 1960s and 1970s both in Western and Eastern Europe. It traces the history of the various protest movements and the plethora of national experiences with respect to domestic and transnational cultures of dissent, the transnational aspects of these movements, and the common narratives and cultures of memory surrounding them.


Online Teaching and Research Guide:
The book is accompanied by a free online teaching and research guide available on this website. It provides a range of written and audio-visual resources as well as articles, bibliographies, chronologies and links related to the experience of the sixties in Europe.