Trade Unionism

Book ann: Two new publications

Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World: British Trade Unions under New Labour
Edited by Gary Daniels and John McIlroy, Keele University, UK

Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World is the first book to provide readers with an authoritative and comprehensive assessment of the impact of New Labour governments on employment relations and trade unions. This innovative text locates changes in industrial politics since the 1990s in the development of globalization and the worldwide emergence of neoliberalism. The advent of Tony Blair's government in 1997 promised a new dawn for employment relations. In this rigorous but readable volume, a team of experienced and respected contributors explain in detail how the story has unfolded.

This book looks at all aspects of New Labour's policies in relation to employment relations and trade unionism. The first half of Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World presents an overview of industrial politics, the evolution of New Labour and an anatomy of contemporary trade unionism. It discusses relations between the Labour Party and the unions and the response of trade unionists to political and economic change. The second part contains chapters on legislation, partnership, organizing, training, strikes and perspectives on Europe.

Introduction: Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World - John McIlroy and Gary Daniels Part I. Trade Unions under New Labour 1. A Brief History of British Trade Unions and Neoliberalism: From the Earliest Days to the Birth of New Labour - John McIlroy 2. A Brief History of British Trade Unions and Neoliberalism in the Age of New Labour - John McIlroy 3. An Anatomy of British Trade Unionism since 1997: Strategies for Revitalization - John McIlroy and Gary Daniels 4. An Anatomy of British Trade Unionism since 1997: Organization, Structure and Factionalism - John McIlroy and Gary Daniels 5. Under Stress But Still Enduring: The Contentious Alliance in the Age of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - John McIlroy

Part II. Issues
6. Employment Legislation: New Labour's Neoliberal Legal Project to Subordinate Trade Unions - Paul Smith and Gary Morton 7. Partnership: New Labour's Third Way? - Martin Upchurch 8. Organizing: In the Field - Gary Daniels 9. Skills and Training: A Strategic Role for Trade Unions or the Limits of Neoliberalism? - John McIlroy and Richard Croucher 10. Strikes: New Labour and Industrial Conflict - Dave Lyddon 11. Europe: The Double-Edged Sword of Justice? New Labour, Trade Unions and Politics of Social Europe - Graham Taylor

November 2008
HB: 978-0-415-42663-3: £65.00 £52.00
$150.00 $120.00


The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives
Martin Upchurch, Middlesex University, UK, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers, University of the West of England, UK

'The authors combine a masterful analysis of the weakening nexus between social democratic labour parties and trade unions in Europe with thoughtful reflections on possible future developments. A must-read foreverybody interested in the possibilities of trade union revival.' - Andreas Bieler, University of Nottingham, UK

There is a developing crisis of social democratic trade unionism in Western Europe; this volume outlines the crisis and examines the emerging alternatives. The authors define 'social democratic trade unionism' and its associated party-union nexus and explain howthis traditional model has been threatened by social democracy's accommodation to neo-liberal restructuring and public service reform. Examining the experience of Sweden, Germany, Britain and France, the volume explores the historical rise and fall of social democratic trade unionism in each of these countries and probes the policy and practice of the European Trade Union Confederation.

The authors critically examine the possibilities for a revival of social democratic unionism in terms of strategic policy and identity, offering suggestions for an alternative, radicalized political unionism. The research value of the book is highlighted by its focus on contemporary developments and its authors' intimate knowledge ofthe chosen countries.

Contents: Social democracy and trade unions; Sweden - social democracy after the divorce?; Germany - the collapse of a model?; State, unions, and labourism in Britain; The persistence of French exceptionalism?; The 'European social model': towards a transnational social democratic trade unionism?; Alternative futures?; Appendices; References; Index.

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January 2009
244 pages

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