Labor and Working Class History Association

CFP: Annual Conference, Washington DC, April 2010

Labor and Working Class History Association Call for Panel Proposals
for 2010 Annual Conference Washington DC, April 7-10, 2010

The 2010 LAWCHA conference will be held concurrently with the OAH in Washington, DC. LAWCHA plans to arrange up to ten panels during the conference, which will be held April 7-10, 2010.

Please send Kim Phillips ([mailto][/mailto]) your proposals for panels related to labor and working class history as attachments or in the body of email messages. The proposals should include the following:

  1. A Title
  2. A description of 500 words or less
  3. A list of participants with roles clearly stated. In this list please include the names of the participants as they wish to see them in print
  4. Email addresses and phone numbers for each participant
  5. If available, a 500 word or less CV for each participant (some may already be in our system, so if you want to wait until I ask for them, that's fine)
  6. Paper titles (if appropriate) and descriptions for the papers of 250 words or less

Please send questions and proposals to Kim Phillips, LAWCHA's Vice President, at [mailto][/mailto].