Is Black and Red Dead?
September 7th and 8th, 2009
An academic conference organised and supported by the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, the PSA Marxism Specialist Group, Anarchist Studies, Capital & Class, Historical Materialism, Critique-Journal of Socialist Theory.
Hosted by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, the University of Nottingham
We are limited to only 40 places for non-paper givers. If you would like to come to this event, you are strongly recommended to book early to avoid disappointment. Registration closes on the 30th of June. Generous bursaries are available. Please indicate how much you require on your registration form. Full details on registration are available here: [url][/url]
Monday Sept 7th
Registration: 09:00-10:45
Staff Club, University of Nottingham
10:45-11:00 Opening remarks
Session 1: 11:00-12:30
Panel 1: Convergence Through Practice 1: The New Left
Chair: t.b.c
Mike Mowbray, (New) New Left?: radical considerations in Canada and Quebec from the post-1968 moment to today
Toby Boraman, Councilist anarchism and carnival anarchism during the 1970s: a case study.
Sara Motta, Post-Left Anarchism, Open Marxism and 'New' Autonomist Social Movements in Latin America
Panel 2: Politics, Ideology Revolution
Chair: t.b.c
Christian Garland, The (Anti-) Politics of Autonomy: Between Marxism and Anarchism
Christopher Wellbrook, ABOLISH CAPITAL!: Beyond the Marxist/Anarchist divide
Paul McLaughlin, Theory, Ideology, and Tradition: Reconciling Anarchism and Marxism
12:30-13:30: Lunch
Session 2: 13:30-15:00
Panel 3: Class Struggle,
Chair: Lea Haro
David J. Bailey, Comparing the relative efficacy of different types of class struggle
Peter Kennedy, Can Marxist and Anarchist explanations of the class struggle between Capitalists and workers be reconciled?
Paul B. Smith, The origins of the collapse of the First International
Panel 4: The Psychology, Political Economy and Theology of A Schism
Chair: Ruth Kinna
Dana Ward, And never the twain shall meet: The psychological foundations of political ideology
Benjamin Franks, Moral Theory and Economics: The beginnings and ends of the schism ...
Alex Christoyannopoulos, Red and Black Christians: Some Similarities and Differences between Liberation Theology and Christian Anarchism
Session 3: 15:15-16:45
Panel 5: Ideology and Post-Ideology 1
Chair: t.b.c
Elena Loizidou, Anarchy: 'This is what Democracy looks like'
George Sotiropoulos, Ideology and Politics: Overcoming the divide between red and black
Chiara Bottici, Black and red: an historical-philosophical enquiry into their convergence.
Panel 6: Anarcho-Communism
Chair: Philip O'Sullivan
Jean-Cristophe Angaut, Beyond black and red: Situationists and the legacy of the workers movement
Jérémy Tranmer, Constructing an alternative to Marxism-Leninism: British Communists and prefigurative politicsMathieu Le Tallec, Trotskysm and anarchism: possible coexistence in France?
Session 4: 17:00-18:30
Panel 7: Black and Red - The Italian Experience
Chair: Alberto Toscano
Steve Wright and Saku Pinta, Collegamenti Wobbly: Beyond the anarchist/Marxist dichotomy?'
Oisin Gilmore, Fabbri and the Marxists: A comparative analysis of Fabbri, Gramsci and Bordiga on the question of revolutionary organisation.
Carl Levy, Antonio Gramsci, Anarchism, Syndicalism and Sovversivismo
Panel 8: The Philosophy of a Schism
Chair: Mark Cowling
Benoit Challand, When Anarchism meets Critical Marxism: Paths and Paradoxes of "Socialisme ou Barbarie"
Thomas Swann, Anarchism, Marxism and "Humanism"
Philip O'Sullivan, Bakunin and Marx on the Paris Commune: Grounds for a synthesis between Anarchism and Marxism?
Conference Dinner
19:30, Staff Club, University of Nottingham
Tuesday 8th September
Session 5: 9:00-10:30
Panel 9: Individual Reconciliations 1: The Anglo-Americans
Chair: t.b.c
Andrew Cornell, C.L.R. James' Black Bloc: The Anti-Racist Roots of Contemporary Anarchism
David Goodway, Chris Pallis (aka Maurice Brinton) and Solidarity
Ruth Kinna, Towards a synthesis of anarchism and Marxism
Christian Høgsbjerg, A 'Bohemian freelancer'? C.L.R. James, his early relationship to anarchism and the intellectual origins of autonomism
Panel 10: Convergence Through Practice 2: The Traditional Left
Chair: Ben Franks
Lewis Mates, The Syndicalist challenge in the Durham coalfield before 1914
Saku Pinta, Council Communist Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War
Christos Memos, Lessons Taken from the Greek Uprising: The Marxist-Anarchist Controversy Reconsidered In and Through Radical Praxis
Session 6: 10.45-12.15
Panel 11: Individual reconciliations 2: The French
Chair: Alex Prichard
Dave Berry, The Search for a Libertarian Communism: Daniel Guérin, Marxism and Anarchism
Renzo Llorente, Georges Sorel's Contribution to Anarcho-Marxism
Suzi Weissman, Victor Serge - A Man of Our Time
Larry Portis, Beyond the Rainbow: Overcoming Dogma and Confusion in the Articulation of Revolutionary Theory and Practice
Panel 12: Cartographies of resistance
Chair: t.b.c
Alberto Toscano, Geography Against Capitalism
Benjamin Noys, Zones
Stevphen Shukaitis, Autonomy, Self-Organization, and the Spatial Composition of the Social Imaginary
Lunch 12:15-13:15
Session 7: 13.15-14.45
Panel 13: Marx and the Anarchists
Chair: Dave Berry
Matthijs Gardenier, Autogestion et dictature du prolétariat
Nicolas Bressy, 'Un Marx libertaire? Dictature du Prolétariat chez Marx
Panel 14: Convergence Through Practice 3: Publishing
Jean Michel Kay, Beyond 'Red' and 'Black': Publishing in the pursuit of libertarian socialism
Trevor Bark, Mayday magazine on Red and Black theoretical perspectives
Session 8 15:00-16:30
Panel 15: Ideology and Post-Ideology 2
Chair: t.b.c
Andy Robinson, Beyond the working-class: the politics of the excluded
Simon Choat, Post-Anarchism and Marxism
David Bates, Hardt and Negri: Anarchists or (Post)Marxists?