Manchester Labour History Seminars

Ann: autumn programme

The Manchester Labour History Seminars aim to create discussion and debate between and people generally interested in labour history. The first term will follow a theme of 'Music and the Movement' to link all three seminars. For more details please email [mailto][/mailto].

Wednesday 14th October, 5.30

Manchester University, Roscoe Building, Room 1.001 -

Keith Gildart, lecturer at Wolverhampton University and co-editor of the dictionary of Labour Biography, will be opening the first seminar with a talk on his forthcoming book 'Class, Race and Rock and Roll: England and Popular Music Since the 1950s' discussing representations of English social/political change through performance, song and youth culture.

Wednesday 25th November, 5.30

Roscoe 1.001 (room to be finalised in next email) -

Chris Searle author of 'Forward Groove: Jazz and the Real World from Louis Armstrong to Gilad Atzmon' and director of 'Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Centre' will be leading off the discussions on Jazz and the movement.

Wednesday 16th December, 5.30

Roscoe 1.001 (room to be finalised in next email) -

Ben Harker, lecturer in Cultural Studies at Salford University, and author of 'The Cultural and Political Life of Ewan MacColl' will lead off the discussions on Ewan MacColl and the cultural debate in the 1950s British left.