How Class Works - 2012 conference schedule, registration, other information now up

Conference, 6 - 9 June, Stony Brook

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am happy to report that the How Class Works - 2012 conference schedule, registration, housing, and other information are all up on the Center for Study of Working Class Life Website:

The conference opens the evening of Wednesday June 6 with poetry and music.
The sessions begin Thursday morning and go through Saturday afternoon, June 9. There are over 50 sessions with almost 200 presentations by participants from 15 countries on all continents but Antarctica - graduate students and senior scholars, artists, union and social movement activists.

Discount registration rates are available through April 30. Registration rates rise by about ten percent thereafter.

I invite you to attend. Also, please let your friends and colleagues, especially in the New York area, know about the conference and encourage them to attend, to widen the circles of working class studies.

I am excited about the quality of this year's conference and look forward to welcoming you to Stony Brook in June.

with best wishes


Michael Zweig
Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life Department of Economics State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384
michael.zweig [at]