On Monday, November 5, 2012 the Open Society Archives at Central European University in Budapest is organizing a one day workshop to exchange knowledge in the field of digitizing cultural heritage collections in non-state institutions in Central Europe, and to share best practices on digital collection management, digital preservation and providing online access.
The workshop will showcase two of OSA’s EU supported Best Practices Network projects: the HOPE project, which brings together a partnership of European social history institutions aiming to improve access to the vast and growing amount of highly significant but scattered digital collections on social history, and the EAwareness project, in which libraries, archives, museums, and digital developers work together to publicize The European Digital Library (Europeana) to a broad public and generate new content via user participation.
The English language interactive workshop welcomes the presence of institutions, companies, archivists, librarians, students, researchers interested in digital preservation and online access to European cultural heritage.
Guest presenters come from KARTA Center, Poland; History Meeting House, Poland; Petőfi Literary Museum, Hungary; Monguz Ltd., Hungary; Amsab-Institute for Social History, Belgium; International Institute for Social History, Holland; The Romanian Institute for Recent History, Romania; Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Romania; Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Germany; Open Society Archives, Hungary; Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Republic; Europeana Foundation.
The workshop venue is the OSA building at 32 Arany János utca, Budapest, 1051.
Participation at the workshop is free. For a detailed program and further information please contact Nóra Bertalan at bertalan [at] ceu.hu