Anti-communist Solidarity: US-Brazilian Labor Relations During the Dictatorship in Cold War Brazil

Book publication


New book Anti-communist Solidarity: US-Brazilian Labor Relations During the Dictatorship in Cold War Brazil (1964-1985). Foreword by Alex Lichtenstein, Indiana University and Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Unicamp/ Brazil, this book is an English version of Disseram que voltei americanizado”: relações sindicais Brasil-Estados Unidos na ditadura militar brasileira (Unicamp Press, 2017). 

It may be of interest to specialists on Labor History, Latin American History, US History, International Affairs, Cold War History, Political Science, and Social Movements. 

Please circulate this among those who may be interested in these topics.

About this book

Since the 1960s, many influential Latin Americans, such as the leaders of student movements and unions, and political authorities, participated in exchange programs with the United States to learn about the American way of life. In Brazil, during the international context of the Cold War, when Brazil was governed by a military dictatorship ruled by generals who alternated in power, hundreds of union members were sent to the United States to take union education courses. Did they come back “Americanized” and able to introduce American trade unionism in Brazil? That is the question this book seeks to answer. It is a subject that is as yet little explored in the history of Latin American labor and international relations: the influence of foreign union organizations on national union politics and movements. Despite the US’s investment in advertising, courses, films and trips offered to Brazilian union members, most of them were not convinced by the American ideas on how to organize an “authentic” union movement – or, at least, not committed to applying what they learned in the States.

Author information

Larissa Rosa Corrêa, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
