Geert Van Goethem passes the torch as director of Amsab-Institute of Social History (Ghent, Belgium) to Paule Verbruggen. This makes Paule the first female director of Amsab-ISH!
Geert Van Goethem is one of the pioneers of Amsab-ISH. He started there in 1982 as a scientific assistant, became coordinator of the Antwerp branch in 1990 and general director in 2010. Since then he has also been a guest professor at the Department of History at Ghent University. He has many publications to his credit, which you can find here.
In May he passed the torch to Paule Verbruggen. She started in 1990 as an archivist at Amsab-ISH until she succeeded Guy Vanschoenbeek as editor-in-chief of the Amsab-journal Brood & Rozen in 1997. In 2010 she became head of Public Affairs and since May 2022 she can call herself the first female director of Amsab-ISH.
Original post in Dutch: https://www.amsab.be/over-ons/nieuws/1032-nieuwe-directeur-in-amsab-isg