Social and Labour History News

TOC: issue 2008:3 (Dutch text)
Ann: Boletín de actividades no 6
Programme d'un colloque, Bruxelles, 11 Avril
TOC: Left History special issue
CFP: a conference in Nanterre, 2009
Four reviews (in German)
Ann: events commemorating 1968 in France
Ann: a lecture series in Berlin (in German)
CFP: a workshop in Ann Arbor, 5-6 Dec 2008
A ESSHC 2008 Conference Report
Ann: a new IISH digitization project
Ann: a conference in Amsterdam, 11 April 2008
CFP: a symposium in Toronto, 27-28 Sep 2008
CFP: a conference in Detroit, 16-18 Oct 2008
TOC: issue 2008:2 (Dutch text)
Ann: a conference in Hamburg, 26-27 April
Ann: new director of the IISH
New items on the IISH website in February 2008
Ann: summer school in Toronto, June 2008