Webpage Sanhisoc Research Group (Health, History Society)


Dear colleagues,

as a starting point of a new research project on "International Health and the transfer of scientific knowledge in Europe, 1900-1975", our SANHISOC Research Group (Health, History Society), shaped by researchers from the universities of Valencia and Alicante, has created the webpage:


It contains information about the research lines developed by the group, details of the project and of our activities. We kindly invite you to visit us.

Kind regards

J.L. Barona

Prof. J.L.Barona
Catedràtic d'Història de la Ciència
Departament d'Història de la Ciència i Documentació Universitat de València Blasco Ibañez, 17, 46010 València (España) Fac. Medicina: 963864938

Jose.Luis.Barona [at] uv.es