LAWCHA/LaborOnline Newsletter

Table of contents, May 10th 2013

LaborOnline (

Digital newsletter for Friday, May 10th 2013.

* Message from LAWCHA

Dear subscribers,

Registration for the June 6-8 LAWCHA Conference is now up! Register fast, as early registration rates only apply until May 15.

Recent Posts
* Howard Zinn’s Greatest Error
Mark Lause

Shortly after Howard Zinn’s death in January 2010, the Occupy movement
took to the streets, many of its most vocal proponents brandishing his
People’s History of the United States. They seized upon his work as
both a legitimization of their own social criticisms within the American
experience, and a claim to their legacy from the earlier movements of
the 1960s and 1970s that shaped the book’s approach.

* History of Capitalism Summer Camp, Cornell University
Ryan Poe…

July 14-25.
Join 25 other historians and get the skills you need to understand
economic theory, interpret quantitative sources, make sense of corporate
archives, and write the new history of capitalism from the bottom all
the way to the top.

* Details of the LRAN Conference, June 18-19 at Georgetown Law
Ryan Poe…

* Petition to Support the NLRB by the Labor Research & Action
Ryan Poe…

* Postindustrial Noir: Assessing The Wire
Peter Cole…

Editors Note: Duke University Press allows us free access to one
selected journal article or forum published in each issue of Labor:
Working Class History of the Americas. This issue had a roundtable forum
on the popular show The Wire.

* Sharpen Your Pencils and Your Pitchforks
Randi Storch…

The battle against teachers and their unions seemed to crescendo last
year during Chicago’s teacher strike. The mainstream media had a field
day blaming those “lazy teachers” and their “big unions” for the
problems facing Chicago’s public school system, the nation and America’s
ability to compete in the world.

* Workers’ Memorial Day Reflections
Rosemary Feurer

As I write this it’s Workers’ Memorial Day, an event that barely gets a
blip on the media screens. But it brought to my mind one of the first
union demonstrations I ever participated in, one that protested the
decline in OSHA standards.

* Expertise Needed: Inter-Union and Federation-Level Organizing: New
and Forgotten Methods
Ryan Poe…

The AFL-CIO has formed a committee of labor historians to prepare a
document to help them think about the future of organized labor.
Confirmed coommittee members include: Julie Greene, University of
Maryland; Michael Kazin, Georgetown University; Nelson Lichtenstein, UC
Santa Barbara; Bethany Moreton, University of Georgia; Christian
Sweeney, AFL-CIO; and Heather Thompson, Temple University.

* Last Call for LRAN Travel Funding (Deadline: April 26)
Ryan Poe…

Last call for LRAN conference travel funding!
We are still accepting requests for travel funding for the LRAN
conference. For all grad students, faculty, organizers and researchers
who would need funding in order to attend, please email me at no later than Friday, April 26th.

* Labor Research Action Network Conference
Ryan Poe…

June 16-18. One of the principal goals of the Labor Research and Action
Network (LRAN) is to create a space for the generation and exchange of
fresh ideas and thinking among labor leaders, activists, scholars, and
students. A secondary goal is to connect practitioners employing
innovative strategies with scholars who are interested in strategic
research and advocacy efforts that support workers/the struggle for
workers; rights.

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]