CfP: (Re)mapping contemporary migration and mobilities: Trends and challenges in Africa


How subjects move or do not move tells us much about

what counts as human, as culture and as knowledge?

Caren Kaplan, “Transporting the Subject”

The Guest Editors of African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal announce the Call for Papers on (Re)mapping Contemporary Migration and Mobilities: Trends and Challenges in Africa.

‘Radical Sounds’ at the Working Class Movement Library

On Bank Holiday Monday (31 August) the Library is hosting our very first virtual ‘Radical Sounds’ event. Join us from 7pm from the comfort of your living room for a fantastic mixture of music and readings curated by our very own Maxine Peake.

This unique celebration of talent and working class culture has something to appeal to everyone.
It will feature music from:

CfP: Impact of mining: economic activities, labour markets, living conditions, environmental problems (18th-21st century) at the ELHN-WORCK Conference 2021

Fourth Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) & COST Action Worlds of Related Coercions in Work (WORCK)
Vienna University, Vienna, 30 August - 3 September 2021
ELHN Working Group Labour in Mining

Call for Papers


CfP: The European Integration of Trade Unions: 70 years of Trade-Unionism and the legal dimensions of Social Europe (1951-2021) at the ELHN-WORCK Conference 2021

Fourth European Labour History Network (ELHN) meeting 30 August-03 September 2021

Working Group: The European integration of Trade Unions.

Call for Papers: The European Integration of Trade Unions: 70 years of Trade-Unionism and the legal dimensions of Social Europe (1951-2021)


CfP: Race and Capital, Special Issue of Historical Materialism Journal

Over the past decade racism, racialisation, empire and solidarity have re-emerged as some of the most central and contested issues to contemporary political struggles. The political right has mainstreamed and instrumentalised explicit and implicit forms of racism to reach the halls of power. This racism has not simply been rhetorical, as successive right-wing governments have implemented exclusionary and discriminatory policies.

CfP: Revue Humanités numériques : appel à contributions

Humanités numériques est une revue francophone publiée en libre accès et consacrée aux usages savants du numérique en sciences humaines et sociales. Éditée par l’association francophone Humanistica et diffusée sur la plateforme OpenEdition Journals, elle offre un lieu de réflexion, de débat scientifique et d’expression aux chercheurs et enseignants dont les travaux s’inscrivent dans ce champ.