CfP: Sexual Morality and Communism from 1917 to 1940

The Cahiers d'Histoire. Revue d'Histoire Critique, is a generalist journal which aims, through a wide variety of themes, to develop a history polarized around the functioning of social dominations in all their political, economic and cultural dimensions. This approach is accompanied by a reflexive approach to the forms of production and uses of historical knowledge in these processes of domination.

CfP: Culture and Politics in Brazil: a decade under review (2011-2020)

Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies is pleased to announce this call for papers for a dossier to be published in August 2021 on the relationship between culture and politics in Brazil over the past decade (2011-2020). The period between 2011 and 2020 was marked by a number of milestone political events, such as Dilma Rousseff’s two-term administration – including the June 2013 protests and the 2016 presidential impeachment –, Michel Temer’s transitional administration, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro.

CfP: Journal gabonais d’histoire économique et sociale

La revue JGHES – Journal gabonais d’histoire économique et sociale – est une revue scientifique annuelle. Son objectif est de faire connaître des recherches universitaires sur l’histoire, avec une ouverture sur les sciences sociales, arts et lettres. Chacun de ses numéros présente un dossier sur les questions d’histoire, tout en ouvrant ses portes à des textes hors dossier, à travers la rubrique « varia ».

CfP: Life, Freedom & Ethics - Kropotkin Now!

Black Rose Books, in global collaboration with other organisations, scholars, activists and university departments, is organizing a conference to celebrate Peter Kropotkin’s life and work. This conference would commemorate 100 years since his death on February 8th, 1921.

Kropotkin is undoubtedly one of the most important anarchist thinkers to understand the vision, and action, needed for positive transformative change. His legacy is critically important and needs to be shared so that others can know about his values and what he dedicated his life towards.

CfP: The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871: A European Turning-Point?

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 16 April 2021

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 is widely acknowledged to have been a cause of intense political, social and cultural conflict, a shaping element in modern French and German nationalism, and a significant factor in international tensions prior to 1914. The 150th anniversary in 2020-21 therefore provides an opportunity to re-evaluate the impact of the Franco-Prussian War as a turning-point for Europe.

CfP: Troubled Pasts and Memory Politics: Contesting Hegemonic Narratives in North America, Europe and Eurasia

What we remember about the past is as crucial as why we remember and for what we remember. Remembering occurs in specific cultural and political formats through which the past is invoked as a means to various, and often incompatible, ends. At the same time, the multifarious commemorative practices of the past have a presentist dimension, referring to the fact that social and cultural construction of memory narratives is co-constituted by the prerequisites and imminences of the present.

CfP: Sources and methods for the study of economic inequality in preindustrial societies: The Iberian Peninsula (1300-1600)

During the last years we have witnessed a renewed interest in wealth distribution and inequality in pre-industrial societies. The economic crisis and the subsequent rise in social differences that has occurred over the last decades has been one of the main reasons why historians and economists have retaken the analysis of this phenomenon. Due to the richness of the preserved documentary sources in the Iberian Peninsula, the study of inequality and its origins has been studied also in the medieval period, being tax sources particularly useful.

CfP: Digital Humanities and Gender History

Online Conference

5, 12, 19 and 26 February 2021

4 - 8 p.m. CET

The Chair of Gender History at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, together with the Arbeitskreis Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung e.V. and the Digital German Women's Archive (Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv), is organising a virtual international conference on "Digital Humanities and Gender History" on the four Friday afternoons of February 2021.