"Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South", special issue Historein 19/1 (2020)

Dear colleagues, 

we are happy to announce the publication of the latest issue of Historein vol 19, no 1 (2020) with the special issue "Global Labour History: Perspectives from East to West, from North to South", edited by  Dimitra Lampropoulou, Leda Papastefanaki and Nikos Potamianos.

The review is in open access here https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/historein/issue/view/1165. .


CfP: III Jornadas Nacionales de la Red de estudios sobre el socialismo argentino - RESA – Cambio de fechas/nueva convocatoria

Las III Jornadas Nacionales de la Red de Estudios sobre el Socialismo Argentino – RESA han sido reprogramadas para los días 4 y 5 de marzo de 2021, siempre en la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, sede Santa Rosa.

En ese marco, hemos decidido reabrir la convocatoria a la presentación de resúmenes, hasta el 15 de septiembre próximo.

“Comunismo sudamericano. Nuevas miradas historiográficas” (Revista Avances del Cesor, vol. 17, n. 22)

Dossier "Comunismo sudamericano. Nuevas miradas historiográficas"
Vol. 17, Núm. 22 (2020)
Dossier “Comunismo sudamericano. Nuevas miradas historiográficas” / Dossier "South American Communism. New historiographical perpectives"


CfP: Empire in the Middle East and the Maghreb: The Shaping of Hopes and Perspectives

The aim of this conference is to examine how European colonialism and great power rivalry in the Middle East and North Africa have shaped the perspectives of the peoples in these countries and their hopes for their future. Besides the European powers that established their colonial hegemony in these countries, the conference will also deal with the influence of countries, such as the United States of America and Germany, which extended their influence through diplomacy, financial and military aid, and education.

CfP: XIII Jornadas de Economía Crítica (JEC) - II Jornadas de Economía Feminista (JEF)

Desde la Sociedad de Economía Crítica (SEC) las/os invitamos a participar de las XIII Jornadas de Economía Crítica (JEC) y la II Jornadas de Economía Feminista (JEF) a realizarse los días 11 y 12 septiembre de 2020 en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. En esta oportunidad, les presentaremos el listado de ejes para la presentación de ponencias en las Jornadas, los requisitos y el link para cargar el formulario y la ponencia, si se desea ser expositor durante las Jornadas.

CfP: Representations of Refugee, Migrant, and Displaced Motherhood in a Global Context

Contributions are invited for a scholarly edited collection that aims to explore literary accounts of migrant, refugee, and displaced motherhood in a global context. The collection will look primarily at contemporary writings about migrant motherhood. In a world marked by forced migrations, climate change, and wars, the collection aims to examine writings about the displacement of mothers at the American borders, in the Syrian conflict, and beyond.