Strikes and Social Conflicts in Hostile Environments

Call for Conference Papers: “Strikes and Social Conflicts in Hostile Environments”, September 5-6, 2025

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: March 15, 2025 - EXTENDED DEADLINE

Seventh Conference of the International Association of Strikes and Social Conflicts

Co-Organized by

    The Arrighi Center for Global Studies, Johns Hopkins University and the
    International Association of Strikes and Social Conflicts (IASSC)


CfA Counting Work and Workers in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa

International Labor and Working-Class History
“Counting Work and Workers in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa”

Chikouna Cissé, Annick Lacroix, Baptiste Mollard, Laure Piguet, Léa Renard
This project stems from the collective discussions initiated by the French ANR program “Cocole - Compter aux colonies” coordinated by Béatrice Touchelay (


CfP Special issues of journal Workers of the World

Workers of the World: International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflict aims to stimulate global studies on labor and social conflicts in an interdisciplinary, global, long term historical and non-Eurocentric perspective. It intends to move away from traditional forms of methodological nationalism and conjectural studies, adopting an explicitly critical and interdisciplinary perspective.


Chiffrer et classer en situation coloniale et post-coloniale: Afrique francophone, XIX-XXIe siècles

International Research Network (IRN) COUNT

« Chiffrer et classer en situa1on coloniale et post coloniale.
Afrique francophone XIX-XXIe siècles »

Deuxièmes journées académiques sur le thème :
Les chiffres et les recherches en Afrique francophone : Progrès et Défis

Institutions hôtes : Institut d’études avancées de Saint-Louis du Sénégal & Université Gaston Berger,
Saint-Louis, Sénégal

Dates : 1 et 2 décembre 2023
