CfP: The South Atlantic route and the business of the maritime transport of migrants (1870-1960)

The objective is to propose a special issue to the Journal of Transatlantic Studies, by contributing for the understanding of the business of emigrant maritime transport from the Belle Epoque until the end of the 1960s. The editors of the special issue (Yvette Santos and Paulo César Gonçalves) accept proposals focused on the study of the migration industry linked to the maritime transportation of emigrants from Europe to the South Atlantic countries.


CfA: Los sistemas políticos latinoamericanos y caribeños ante la nueva ola de movilizaciones y protestas sociales

El año 2019 mostró de forma relativamente inesperada un resurgimiento de manifestaciones masivas en América Latina y el Caribe que comenzaron enfrentando decisiones de los gobiernos y luego se mantuvieron en las calles sosteniendo conflictos de gran intensidad e incierto desenlace.

CfP: Digital work: more autonomy or a new subjugation of work?

The last two decades have seen profound transformations of work, both in the process of work organisation and in the functioning of the labour market. Among these, the most recent and fastest is the computerisation of work, in particular the digitisation of work. A new frontier has thus opened up in the field of work and, at the same time, in the exploitation and precarisation of work, which the current health and social-economic crisis is widening out of all proportion.

CfP: Writing the History of Political Graffiti. Graphic rebellion and the appropriation of public space (19th – 21st century)

[French version here:]


“We erase them (it’s not easy), we arrest graffiti artists and put them in prison, we ban the sale of markers or spray cans – nothing will do, they make their own and start again every night.”1