CfP: Contested Meanings of Migration Facilitation: Emigration Agents, Coyotes, Rescuers, and Human Traffickers

Annual Academic and Policy Symposium: Innovation through Migration at GHI PRO
Conveners: Ulf Brunnbauer (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies & Regensburg University) and Andrea Westermann (GHI PRO)

The symposium will explore migration facilitation as situated between securing borders, solidarity networks, and economic interests or needs. It brings together Germany-based professionals from the academic, cultural, activist, and policy sectors as well as colleagues from California and other parts of the United States working in similar contexts.

CfP: Take Back Control. Digital Capitalism and Beyond

Karl Dietz Verlag, publisher of the Marx-Engels-Werke (MEW), is planning a volume with the working title "Take Back Control. Digital Capitalism and Beyond" in its new series "Analyzes". Editors: Timo Daum and Sabine Nuss.

In the volume we want the debate about planned economy / cybernetics, which is currently experiencing a renaissance in the face of digital technologies to analyze, to be discussed and critically examined with Marx (implicitly or explicitly). 

CfP: Unchaining Solidarities: Reflections on Cooperation and Mutual Aid

Dear all,

Since we believe that the announced edited collection Unchaining Solidarities: Reflections on Cooperation and Mutual Aid has become dramatically more relevant under the current circumstances worldwide, we decided to extend the deadline for submitting chapter proposals to March 31, 2020. We especially invite new submissions that aim to reflect on the Covid-19 situation from the perspective of the collection's themes (please see below).

HM Montreal Postponed

Cher·ère·s panélistes de La Grande transition 2020,

C’est avec le coeur gros que le comité organisateur de La Grande transition 2020 : Construire l’utopie a pris la décision de reporter indéfiniment la tenue du colloque, qui était prévu du 21 au 24 mai 2020. En effet, avec la situation instable entourant la maladie COVID-19 ainsi que les récentes mesures prises par le gouvernement provincial et l’Université du Québec à Montréal, il n’y a aucun doute que la meilleure chose à faire pour le colloque est de le remettre à plus tard.