CfP: Special Issue, Journal History of Communism in Europe: Transnational Biographies. Destinies at the Crossroads throughout the XX Century

Ravaged by two World Wars, consumed by totalitarian ideologies and regimes, and frozen for almost fifty years within a geopolitical tension between two worldwide military blocks, the XX century was the scene of fluctuating borders and volatile existences. Forged on the ruins of the former empires, nations were subsequently dismantled by wars, and (eventually) built again. Individuals were born in one country, lived their lives in another, and died in yet another one, sometimes even without ever leaving their hometown.

CfP: Pioneering Resistance in France (and Europe) through the prism of archive records of the repression



After a cycle of commemoration related to the centenary of the First World War, the year 2020 could open a new commemorative session, this time related to the Second World conflict. In addition to commemorative and memorial events, it is important to keep on developing activities of a more scientific nature, especially as the number of symposia and study days devoted to the WWII period is now decreasing, even though new archival material is available and interest in the period remains high.

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies XXIV/XXV (2018/2019), no. 31-32

Dear Readers, Authors and Correspondents,
Dear Friends

We are happy to present you with issue no. 31/32 (2018/2019) of The International Newsletter of Communist Studies (INCS). Due to the fact that both editors have to conduct this project in their spare time, being impacted by workload related to other projects, there was a delay in publishing this issue. We apologise to our authors and readers, and hope to be able to publish INCS on an annual schedule again, starting from this year.

The current issue can be read online at the following link:

CfP: Cork Hunger Strike 1920-2020

2020 marks the centenary of the hunger strike of Irish republicans in Brixton Prison and Cork Men’s Gaol. The hunger strike tactic had been deployed prior to 1920, but the Cork/Brixton strike was distinctive for its length (three months) and the ultimate deaths of Cork Lord Mayor Terence MacSwiney, Joe Murphy and Michael Fitzgerald. Drawing intense public interest, the strike created a political crisis in Britain and Ireland, and made Terence MacSwiney into a global figure.

CfP: Trabajadoras y trabajadores en América Latina durante la guerra fría. Organización, protesta y memoria

XIX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Americanistas "LOS CAMINOS DE AMÉRICA"

Santiago de Compostela, 8 a 10 de junio de 2020

Simposio 28: Trabajadoras y trabajadores en América Latina durante la guerra fría. Organización, protesta y memoria

Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas a los coordinadores: 15 de marzo de 2020

Más informaciones en:


CfP: 5° Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina. Un estado del campo.

5° Congreso de Historia Intelectual de América Latina Un estado del campo

Montevideo 2, 3 y 4 diciembre de 2020

Organiza: Archivo General de la Universidad de la República

Sede: Aulario del Área Social y Artística, Universidad de la República, Gonzalo Ramírez 1915

El evento en esta oportunidad estará organizado por el AGU y tendrá lugar entre el 2 y el 4 de diciembre de 2020 en la ciudad de Montevideo.