CfP: Solidarity and Humanitarianism in the Global South between Decolonization and the Cold War (1960s-1980s)
28-29th September 2020 at Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
28-29th September 2020 at Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
Nessim ZNAIEN and Philippe BOURMAUD
University of Warsaw, October 22-23, 2020*
*COVID-19: Given the changing circumstances, we will consider moving the conference to online remote presentations if need be.
Prof. Erica Lehrer (Concordia University, Montreal)
Versions in French and Spanish available here:
We dedicate the next issue of Amérika magazine to "Central America: Spaces, cartographies and representations". This publication is an extension of the international colloquium of the European Research Network on Central America (RedISCA organized at the University of Nantes (CRINI laboratory) on November 14, 15 and 16, 2019.
The University of Heidelberg invites chapter proposals for the edited volume “The Vanguard of Class and Nation: Parties as Governments in Eurasia, 1920s–1990s.” The book workshop for the invited authors is scheduled to take place in Heidelberg on April 22–23, 2021.
Epidemic illnesses—not only a product of biology, but also social and cultural phenomena—are as old as cities themselves. The recent pandemic of COVID-19 has put into perspective the impact of epidemic illness on urban life, and exposed the vulnerabilities of the societies it ravages as much as the bodies it infects. How can epidemics help us understand urban environments? What insights from the outbreak, experience, and response to previous urban epidemics might inform our understanding of COVID-19?
William H. McNeill’s Plagues and Peoples is often considered a foundational work in the field of World History. At this moment, the term pandemic, usually with reference to the plague in Renaissance Italy and the “Spanish” influenza outbreak near the end of First World War, is now familiar to millions of sequestered families across the globe.
Dossier coordonné par : Françoise F. Laot (PU, CEREP, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne) & Emmanuel de Lescure (MCF, CERLIS, Université de Paris)
Dear Members and Friends of the ITH,
we are writing today to inform you that, with reference to a proposal put forward by the President, the ITH Board has decided, after intense deliberation, to postpone the ITH Conference 2020 by one year to September 2021.