Neddragningar på ARAB


Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek (ARAB) har dragits med ekonomiska problem. Under 2020 kommer vi att fortsätta ordna, förteckna och tillgängliggöra arkiv- och biblioteksmaterial.  

– Underskottet för 2019 beräknas bli cirka 2 miljoner kronor. För att kunna fortsätta utveckla kommer vi nu att fokusera på områden där vi kan möta framtiden inom vår verksamhet, säger Per Holmström, ordförande i ARABs styrelse

Los desplazados de la Guerra Civil. Evacuados de la provincia de Toledo, de Juan Carlos Collado Jiménez

Estimados/as amigos/as:


Os informamos de la presentación del libro Los desplazados de la Guerra Civil. Evacuados de la provincia de Toledo, de Juan Carlos Collado Jiménez publicado por Ediciones Almud con la colaboración de la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero



Fecha: lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020 a las 19 h


CfP: Addressing Contemporary Politics and Gender in the Andes - ANDINXS

In the context of ongoing crises in Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, as well as the rise of right-wing and populist movements across the region, ANDINXS is a timely workshop addressing the increasingly contested relationship between politics and gender in the Andes. Women’s, feminist, and LGBTQ+ movements have been central in recent uprisings, but their role has often gone unnoticed. Beyond recent movements, in looking at intersections of politics and gender in the Andes we hope to disrupt narratives about contemporary Andean politics.

CfP: Historical Materialism Ankara. The Rise of New Authoritarianisms and the Agenda for Resistance

April 10th – 12th 2020

Middle East Technical University (METU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences


Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory Conference

In Association with

Praksis Journal

Turkish Social Sciences Association

Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı (Social Research Foundation), SAV

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