Il dolore, il lutto, la gloria. Rappresentazioni fotografiche della Grande Guerra fra pubblico e privato 1914-1940

La Fondazione di Studi Storici "Filippo Turati" annuncia la pubblicazione del volume
Il dolore, il lutto, la gloria. Rappresentazioni fotografiche della Grande Guerra fra pubblico e privato 1914-1940
a cura di Raffaella Biscioni

Collana della Fondazione per i tipi Angeli

Per la quarta di copertina, clicca qui


CfP: Socialist Subjectivities: Rethinking East Germany under Honecker

Call for Papers:
German Studies Association 44th Annual Conference Washington, D.C., October 1-4, 2020

The conveners of the GSA Seminar “Socialist Subjectivities: Rethinking East Germany under Honecker” invite applicants to apply to participate in our seminar at the German Studies Association Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., October 1-4, 2020.

CfP: Political participation in contemporary Europe Ideas, Practices, Alternatives

Anne Heyer (University of Leiden, The Netherlands) and Carlos Domper Lasús (University of Zaragoza, Spain) would like to invite scholars and graduate students working on European contemporary History to submit their paper proposals to the panel “Political participation in contemporary Europe. Ideas, practices, alternatives” that they coordinate within the prestigious XV Conference of the Association for Contemporary History taking place between the 17th and 19th September 2020 in Córdoba (Spain). The sessions will consist of ca. 10 scholars.

CfA: Agnese N. Haury Fellowships and Travel Grants for the 2020-2021 Academic Year

New York University's Center for the United States and the Cold War announces the Agnese N. Haury fellowships and travel grants for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The Center for the United States and the Cold War at NYU's Tamiment Library supports research on the Cold War, especially on the ways in which this ideological and geopolitical conflict with the Soviet Union affected American politics, culture, and society. We will be offering a dissertation fellowship and several travel grants to scholars who are interested in using Tamiment's holdings to further their research.

CfA: Prix de thèse “Rolande Trempé” de l’Association française pour l’histoire des mondes du travail

L’AFHMT a décidé de lancer un prix de thèse afin de promouvoir les recherches en histoire des mondes du travail, tous territoires, périodes et approches confondus.   

Vous en trouverez ci-dessous le règlement. 

Les candidatures sont désormais ouvertes jusqu’au 1er mai 2020 minuit




CfP: L'histoire de l'éducation de la colonisation aux décolonisations en Afrique (années 1920 - 1970)


Cet appel à contribution invite les chercheurs travaillant sur l'histoire de l'éducation en Afrique, du Maghreb à l'Afrique du Sud, à participer à une nouvelle journée d’étude internationale consacrée à « L'histoire de l'éducation de la colonisation aux décolonisations en Afrique (années 1920 - 1970) » laquelle débouchera sur la publication d’un ouvrage.