CfP: Temps libre / Temps du travail: rencontres, ruptures, articulations


Colloque international « Temps libre / Temps du travail: rencontres, ruptures, articulations »

Date : 8-9 octobre 2020, Université Paris-Est Créteil

Date butoir d’envoi des propositions (résumé de 300 mots et court CV) : 1 avril 2020

Envoi des réponses : courant juin 2020

CfP: The Transformations in the World of Work: Bringing Sociological and Historical Perspectives Together

Germany Institute (DIA), Amsterdam / International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam / N.W. Posthumus Institute, Nijmegen

The Transformations in the World of Work: Bringing Sociological and Historical Perspectives Together

Prof. dr. Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, University of Göttingen

International Masterclass, 10 June 2020, IISH, Amsterdam

CfP: AAHANZBS 12th Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia

The Historical Dimension

Association of Academic Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools (AAHANZBS)
12th Annual Conference, 9-10 November 2020
The University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia

Call for Papers

The Business and Labour History Group (BLHG) at the University of Sydney Business School, Australia, will be hosting the 12th Annual Conference of AAHANZBS on 9-10 November 2020.


Giovanni Avonto passed away

Con profondo dolore comunichiamo che è tornato alla casa del Padre Giovanni Avonto, storico presidente della Fondazione Nocentini e dirigente della Fim e della Cisl piemontese. La Fondazione Nocentini tutta si stringe intorno a Paola e alla famiglia uniti nel ricordo di una persona che ha speso tutta la sua vita al servizio dei lavoratori. Avonto è stato anche fondatore e primo presidente dell’Ismel da cui nato il Polo del Novecento.

Il rosario si terrà domenica 16 febbraio alle ore 19, presso la Chiesa di San Lorenzo, corso Massimo D'Azeglio 71, Ivrea.

CfP: Displaying the social history of migrants. Content, scenography, public engagement

The Centre d’histoire sociale des mondes contemporains (CNRS/University of Paris I) invites proposals for papers to be presented at an international symposium held at the Campus Condorcet, in Paris, on October 20, 2020. Confirmed speakers already include prominent specialists of social history of migration and museum studies, as well as museum curators from various countries.

CfP: «Can the Subaltern Speak» à travers l'environnement? Au carrefour entre histoire de l'environnement et subaltern studies

Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea
Appel à contribution
«Can the Subaltern Speak» à travers l'environnement?
Au carrefour entre histoire de l'environnement et subaltern studies