Matériaux: Mobilisations étudiantes dans le monde : les années 68

pour l’histoire de notre temps

Numéro 127-128. 1er semestre 2018

Mobilisations étudiantes dans le monde : les années 68

Ioanna Kasapi, Robi Morder, Caroline Rolland-Diamond

Publié dans Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

Transformation des mondes et mouvements étudiants
Robi Morder

Être étudiant et conservateur dans les années 1968 en Californie
Caroline Rolland-Diamond

Engels Memorial Lecture

This coming Wednesday, 28 November at 7pm at the Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU we are pleased to present the inaugural annual Engels Memorial Lecture, organised jointly by the Marx Memorial Library and the Working Class Movement Library (Salford).

40e anniversaire Collège du Travail: Mémoire, histoire et actualité du monde du travail

40e anniversaire
Mémoire, histoire et actualité du monde du travail


Mercredi 28 novembre 2018

Salle du Faubourg, 8 rue des Terreaux-du-Temple, Genève


19h00 Allocutions

Alessandro Pelizzari, secrétaire régional d'Unia, président de la CGAS

Thierry Apothéloz, conseiller d’État, Département de la cohésion sociale

19h15 Le Collège du travail d’hier à demain

Charles Magnin, président du Conseil de fondation du Collège du travail

19h30 Les gars du bâtiment

Conference New perspectives in feminist labour history: work and activism

ELHN Working Group Feminist Labour History
Universita di Bologna

International conference
New perspectives in feminist labour history: work and activism

17-18, January 2019
Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna
Aula Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna

The final programme has been released - please check the attached pdf file


CfP: The rise of economic inequality. Contributions from the history of the social sciences

Call for papers:

The rise of economic inequality. Contributions from the history of the social sciences

University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences

April 11-13, 2019

The Call for Papers of the XVI International Conference of AISPE--Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought is online at

CFP: Industrial Labour & Literary Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century

Piston, Pen & Press is a new and interesting UK based labour history research project led by the University of Strathclyde with the University of Manchester and the National Railway Museum. Project aims to understand how industrial workers, from the 1840s to the 1910s, engaged with literary culture through writing, reading, and participation in wider cultural activities.

CfA: Transregional Academy 'Fragment – Power – Public: Narrative, Authority, and Circulation in Archival Work'

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien, the Max Weber Stiftung – Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland and the Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages of the American University of Beirut (AUB) cordially invite doctoral and postdoctoral scholars from the humanities and social sciences, as well as research-oriented artists and writers, to apply for a Transregional Academy in the framework of the research program Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe (EUME).