CfP: Fifth International Global History Student Conference

In recent years, global history has become one of the most ambitious and promising strands of historical research. The approach targets relations, flows, and actors that challenge the assumption of the nation state as a natural and inevitable category of historical analysis. It calls attention to the importance of transnational, trans-regional, or trans-local connections and their influence on the past.

Words and Deeds: Nursing, Poetry and the Women’s Movement

A free evening performance of music and poetry from the Royal College of Nursing Library & Archives, celebrating women’s voices around the campaign for the vote.

Audrey Ardern-Jones, nurse and poet, performs poetry by female authors involved in the campaign for women’s suffrage, together with international musicians Lucas Jordan (flute) and Fabricio Mattos (guitar).

Convegno di studi internazionali: 200 Marx. Il futuro di Karl

Il Convegno di studi internazionale, “200 Marx. Il futuro di Karl”, si svolgerà a Roma dal 13 al 15 dicembre 2018 presso lo spazio Macro. (Via Nizza 138).

L’iniziativa organizzata da alcune fondazioni e istituzioni culturali, si articolerà in quattro sessioni di lavoro. Parteciperanno esponenti del mondo politico, della cultura del sindacato e delle fondazioni.

Journée d’étude: Des lois Aubry aux Ordonnances Macron : mise en perspective des mutations du droit du travail

11 décembre 2018
8h30 – 18h00

Salle Marcel DAVID
16, boulevard Carnot
92 340 Bourg-la-Reine

Par courriel :
dans la limite des places disponibles.

Organisée par
Nicole Maggi-Germain (juriste, univ. Paris 1/ISST)
Jean-Philippe Tonneau (sociologue, laboratoire CENS)

(See programme in PDF attached)

Journeé Maitron

Mercredi 5 décembre 2018 – Bourse du Travail de Paris
Salle Hénaff – 29-31, Boulevard du Temple – 75003

La journée Maitron est entièrement ouverte au public, dans la limite des places disponibles. Afin de faciliter l’organisation, nous vous remercions de nous signaler votre présence par mail (, en précisant votre participation à la matinée/au buffet militant/à l’après-midi.