The World Transformed


We are The World Transformed - a 4-day politics, arts and music festival running alongside the Labour Party Conference, working to build left power both inside and outside of Parliament.

Since 2016 we’ve been mixing big names with the most inspiring grassroots voices and tackling topics that others overlook. We showcase politics as it should be: exciting, engaging and people-powered.

Journée d'automne de l'AFHMT: relations entre guerre et travail


le 6 Octobre prochain aura lieu, de 9h30 à 17h,

la Journée d'automne de l'AFHMT, qui se tiendra 9, rue Malher, à Paris.  

Cette journée aura cette année pour thème, les relations entre guerre et travail à différentes époques. On s’interrogera notamment sur : 

- Les implications, immédiates ou différées, de la guerre sur les mondes de travail 

- La pratique guerrière comme travail 

Sous réserves, nous profiterons d’interventions de :

ToC: Journal de La Contemporaine

Journal de La Contemporaine
No 2, Septembre 2018

Edito : Droits de l'homme

Le mot des lecteurs : Un blog américain sur la Première Guerre mondiale

Nouvel équipement : Un libre accès élargi et rénové / L'accueil. Journée professionnelle du 3 juillet 2018

120e anniversaire de la Ligue des droits de l'homme : Archives et histoire de la LDH

Zoom sur les collections : Oeuvres de Jean Delpech

Evénement : Colloque "La Ligue des droits de l'homme depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale"

CfP: Criptic Identities. Historicizing the Identity Formation of Persons with Disabilities Across the Globe

In recent years, 'identity politics' has evolved as a controversial, but also prolific concept within political, academic and activist debates. A growing body of literature sheds light on different assumptions about identity as a concept that is as much related to expressions of individuality and subjectivity as it is to specific social groups, typically described as outsiders on the margins of society and the political mainstream.

CfP: ITH Conference 'Working on the Land: Actors, Societies and Environments'

Dear colleagues,

we, hereby, circulate the Call for Papers for the 55th ITH Conference (5-7 September 2019, Linz/Upper Austria).

We are looking forward to an active involvement in the preparation of the conference on “Working on the Land: Actors, Societies and Environments”, many interesting proposals and the conference itself. Furthermore, we would ask to spread the Call for Papers as widely as possible.

Kinds regards,

Susan Zimmermann (President)
Lukas Neissl (General Secretary)


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

IISH Seminar Series

With a new academic year, a new season of the monthly-organised IISH Seminar Series commences, with a slightly changed format. The presentations will be kept shorter to leave more room for Q&A and discussion, to accommodate a more lively discussion we hope to encourage all attendants to read the papers in advance. Here is the (preliminary) program: