La santé des travailleurs étayée par deux siècles de médecine professionnelle (1800-2000)

 La médecine du travail du XIXe au XXIe siècles : Plus de deux siècles d'histoire contemporaine à la croisée de quelques chemins...
par Isabelle Cavé
Docteur en sciences humaines (santé)
Représentante des usagers au Groupe hospitalier gériatrique Broca (Broca, La Rochefoucault, La Collégiale).

CfP: Colonial Cities in Global Perspective

International Conference Colonial Cities in Global Perspective

Venue and date : Saint-Louis, Senegal, from December 10-12, 2018

Call for Papers

The Global History Network, the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris, and the Institute of Advanced Study in Saint-Louis, seek papers for a conference on Colonial Cities in Global Perspective, to be held in Saint-Louis, Senegal, from December 10-12, 2018.


Thought and Action: Anarchism as Militant Community and Way of Life

Thought and Action: Anarchism as Militant Community and Way of Life
Saturday, September 15, 2018
10,30-13,00/ 15,00-18,30
Ateneo degli Imperfetti,
Via Bottenigo, 209

A seminary on contemporary anarchism starting from the militant thought and lives of Amedeo Bertolo and Eduardo Colombo.
Organized by: Laboratorio Libertario/ Ateneo degli Imperfetti di Marghera and the Centro studi libertari/Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli di Milano.

Launch of the new online catalogue for the Marx Memorial Library's Spanish Collection

You are invited to the launch of the new online catalogue for the

Marx Memorial Library's Spanish Collection

24 July 7pm

Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0DU

Our Spanish Collection is a unique archive on the International Brigades, British Aid Spain movement and anti-Franco campaigns and - at over 8,000 items - includes diaries, letters, photographs, printed ephemera and much more.

Assistant Professor of History in the Department of Labor Relations, Law, and History

The Department invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in U.S. history at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2019. We are interested in social and political historians whose scholarship engages questions of work, inequality, the economy, or political and working-class culture. We are particularly interested in scholars whose research focuses on the experiences of African-American or Asian-American workers.

Doku zum Ersten Internationalen Willi-Münzenberg-Kongress 2015 open access

Vom 17.-20. September 2015 fand in Berlin der Erste Internationale
Willi-Münzenberg-Kongress statt. Zahlreiche Aspekte des historischen
Wirkens von Willi Münzenberg und der durch ihn repräsentierten
Solidaritätsnetzwerke wurden beleuchtet. In dem nun von Bernhard H.
Bayerlein, Kasper Braskén und Uwe Sonnenberg veröffentlichten Band sind
über dreißíg der dort gehaltenen Beiträge veröffentlicht, als E-Book zum
kostenlosen Download.

CfP: Comparing Colonialism: Beyond Modern Exceptionalism

Colonial expansion is a common, nearly universal phenomenon in human history. Though colonialism has shaped the modern world in many ways, it is not limited to modernity. Conquering foreign lands and subjugating other people(s) are basic processes in the formation of empires and states, and they existed long before the modern era. This interdisciplinary conference, hosted by the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel, seeks to explore varieties of colonialism throughout history and to uncover their common features.