The Workers United - a TUC Library exhibition

The Workers United

This exhibition commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Trades Union Congress through exploring the extraordinary holdings of the TUC Library Collections – a centre for the study of trade unions and working life from the 19th century to the current day and now part of the Special Collections at London Metropolitan University. The exhibition uses the Library’s printed, manuscript and visual resources to explore the work and policies of the TUC since its foundation in 1868.

CfP: Latin American Transitions: Understanding Social and Political Transformations across the Region

[Spanish version below]

The Graduate School of Global and Area Studies invites scholars working or interested in Latin America from different academic backgrounds in the social sciences and humanities to foster rich interdisciplinary discussions.

Young scholars (PhD researchers and Post-Docs) are especially encouraged to participate.

Dortmund zwischen Zeche und Zukunft. Wie werden wir morgen arbeiten?


Dortmund. Heute zentraler Technologiestandort, an dem moderne Wirtschaftszweige wie IT, Mikro-/Nanotechnologie und Logistik florieren. Mit Einrichtungen wie der Technischen Universität Dortmund, zwei Fraunhofer- und Leibniz-Instituten sowie einem Max-Planck-Institut entwickelte sich die Stadt zu einem wichtigen Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsstandort.